By Alvin Alexander. Last updated: January 14, 2020
This page contains a collection of examples of how to use Scala Vector class informational and mathematical methods. Note that these same methods will also work with a Scala Seq
, including IndexedSeq
Informational and mathematical methods
As the name implies, these methods let you get information about the contents of a Vector
, or perform mathematical expressions on a Vector
Method | Returns |
contains(e) |
True if the vector contains the element e |
containsSlice(s) |
True if the vector contains the sequence s |
count(p) |
The number of elements in the vector for which the predicate is true |
endsWith(s) |
True if the vector ends with the sequence s |
exists(p) |
True if the predicate returns true for at least one element in the vector |
find(p) |
The first element that matches the predicate p , returned as an Option |
forall(p) |
True if the predicate p is true for all elements in the vector |
hasDefiniteSize |
True if the vector has a finite size |
indexOf(e) |
The index of the first occurrence of the element e in the vector |
indexOf(e,i) |
The index of the first occurrence of the element e in the vector, searching only from the value of the start index i |
indexOfSlice(s) |
The index of the first occurrence of the sequence s in the vector |
indexOfSlice(s,i) |
The index of the first occurrence of the sequence s in the vector, searching only from the value of the start index i |
indexWhere(p) |
The index of the first element where the predicate p returns true |
indexWhere(p,i) |
The index of the first element where the predicate p returns true, searching only from the value of the start index i |
isDefinedAt(i) |
True if the vector contains the index i |
isEmpty |
True if the vector contains no elements |
lastIndexOf(e) |
The index of the last occurrence of the element e in the vector |
lastIndexOf(e,i) |
The index of the last occurrence of the element e in the vector, occurring before or at the index i |
lastIndexOfSlice(s) |
The index of the last occurrence of the sequence s in the vector |
lastIndexOfSlice(s,i) |
The index of the last occurrence of the sequence s in the vector, occurring before or at the index i |
lastIndexWhere(p) |
The index of the first element where the predicate p returns true |
lastIndexWhere(p,i) |
The index of the first element where the predicate p returns true, occurring before or at the index i |
max |
The largest element in the vector |
min |
The smallest element in the vector |
nonEmpty |
True if the vector is not empty (i.e., if it contains 1 or more elements) |
product |
The result of multiplying the elements in the collection |
segmentLength(p,i) |
The length of the longest segment for which the predicate p is true, starting at the index i |
size |
The number of elements in the vector |
startsWith(s) |
True if the vector begins with the elements in the sequence s |
startsWith(s,i) |
True if the vector has the sequence s starting at the index i |
sum |
The sum of the elements in the vector |
fold(s)(o) |
“Fold” the elements of the vector using the binary operator o , using an initial seed s (see also reduce ) |
foldLeft(s)(o) |
“Fold” the elements of the vector using the binary operator o , using an initial seed s , going from left to right (see also reduceLeft ) |
foldRight(s)(o) |
“Fold” the elements of the vector using the binary operator o , using an initial seed s , going from right to left (see also reduceRight ) |
reduce |
“Reduce” the elements of the vector using the binary operator o |
reduceLeft |
“Reduce” the elements of the vector using the binary operator o , going from left to right |
reduceRight |
“Reduce” the elements of the vector using the binary operator o , going from right to left |
First, some sample data:
val evens = Vector(2, 4, 6)
val odds = Vector(1, 3, 5)
val fbb = "foo bar baz"
val firstTen = (1 to 10).toVector # Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
val fiveToFifteen = (5 to 15).toVector # Vector(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
val empty = Vector[Int]() # Vector[Int] = Vector()
val letters = ('a' to 'f').toVector # Vector(a, b, c, d, e, f)
The examples:
evens.contains(2) # true
firstTen.containsSlice(Seq(3,4,5)) # true
firstTen.count(_ % 2 == 0) # 5
firstTen.endsWith(Seq(9,10)) # true
firstTen.exists(_ > 10) # false
firstTen.find(_ > 2) # Some(3)
firstTen.forall(_ < 20) # true
firstTen.hasDefiniteSize # true
empty.hasDefiniteSize # true
letters.indexOf('b') # 1 (zero-based)
letters.indexOf('d', 2) # 3
letters.indexOf('d', 3) # 3
letters.indexOf('d', 4) # -1
letters.indexOfSlice(Seq('c','d')) # 2
letters.indexOfSlice(Seq('c','d'),2) # 2
letters.indexOfSlice(Seq('c','d'),3) # -1
firstTen.indexWhere(_ == 3) # 2
firstTen.indexWhere(_ == 3, 2) # 2
firstTen.indexWhere(_ == 3, 5) # -1
letters.isDefinedAt(1) # true
letters.isDefinedAt(20) # false
letters.isEmpty # false
empty.isEmpty # true
# lastIndex...
val fbb = "foo bar baz"
fbb.indexOf('a') # 5
fbb.lastIndexOf('a') # 9
fbb.lastIndexOf('a', 10) # 9
fbb.lastIndexOf('a', 9) # 9
fbb.lastIndexOf('a', 6) # 5
fbb.lastIndexOf('a', 5) # 5
fbb.lastIndexOf('a', 4) # -1
fbb.lastIndexOfSlice("ar") # 5
fbb.lastIndexOfSlice(Seq('a','r')) # 5
fbb.lastIndexOfSlice(Seq('a','r'), 4) # -1
fbb.lastIndexOfSlice(Seq('a','r'), 5) # 5
fbb.lastIndexOfSlice(Seq('a','r'), 6) # 5
fbb.lastIndexWhere(_ == 'a') # 9
fbb.lastIndexWhere(_ == 'a', 4) # -1
fbb.lastIndexWhere(_ == 'a', 5) # 5
fbb.lastIndexWhere(_ == 'a', 6) # 5
fbb.lastIndexWhere(_ == 'a', 8) # 5
fbb.lastIndexWhere(_ == 'a', 9) # 9
firstTen.max # 10
letters.max # f
firstTen.min # 1
letters.min # a
letters.nonEmpty # true
empty.nonEmpty # false
firstTen.product # 3628800
letters.size # 6
val x = Vector(1,2,9,1,1,1,1,4)
x.segmentLength(_ < 4, 0) # 2
x.segmentLength(_ < 4, 2) # 0
x.segmentLength(_ < 4, 3) # 4
x.segmentLength(_ < 4, 4) # 3
firstTen.startsWith(Seq(1,2)) # true
firstTen.startsWith(Seq(1,2), 0) # true
firstTen.startsWith(Seq(1,2), 1) # false
firstTen.sum # 55
firstTen.fold(100)(_ + _) # 155
firstTen.foldLeft(100)(_ + _) # 155
firstTen.foldRight(100)(_ + _) # 155
firstTen.reduce(_ + _) # 55
firstTen.reduceLeft(_ + _) # 55
firstTen.reduceRight(_ + _) # 55
firstTen.fold(100)(_ - _) # 45
firstTen.foldLeft(100)(_ - _) # 45
firstTen.foldRight(100)(_ - _) # 95
firstTen.reduce(_ - _) # -53
firstTen.reduceLeft(_ - _) # -53
firstTen.reduceRight(_ - _) # -5
More on fold and reduce
- For more information on fold and reduce, see my article, Recursion is great, but ... (fold and reduce)
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More information
I created this tutorial to show examples of Scala Vector
informational and mathematical methods, but for many more examples of how to work with Vector
, see my Scala Vector class syntax and method examples tutorial.