A Dart async/await and Future/then example

As a quick note without any explanation, this is a Dart async/wait/Future example:

import 'dart:async';

Future<int> async1(int delay) {
    return Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delay))
        .then((_) => 1);   // '_' means "ignore this value, it’s not needed here"

void main() async {

    // this prints some time later, after 'E'
    Future.wait([async1(100), async1(1000)])
          .then((List<int> nums) {
              nums.forEach((i) => print('i = $i'));


    // this forces the code to wait here.
    // 'await' means "wait right here".
    var x = await async1(100);  //the code waits here before moving on
    print('x = $x');


That Dart code prints the following output:

x = 1
i = 1
i = 1

I based this example on another example I saw somewhere, but I can’t remember where I saw it. But for myself, I mostly wanted to share/remember the difference between Future/then and async/await in Dart.

A second Dart Future/then and async/await example

As a second Dart Future/then and async/await example, let’s change that code a little bit:

import 'dart:async';

Future<int> async1(int value) {
    return Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: value))
        .then((_) => value);   // '_' means "ignore this value, it’s not needed here"

void main() async {

    print('before future/then');

    // this prints some time later, after 'E'
    Future.wait([async1(1000), async1(500)])
          .then((List<int> nums) {
              nums.forEach((i) => print('Future::then, i = $i'));

    print('after future/then; before await async');

    // this forces the code to wait here.
    // 'await' means "wait right here".
    final x = await async1(750);  //the code waits here before moving on
    print('after await, x = $x');

    print('the end');


Here I made these changes:

  • async1 uses the value it’s given as the wait time, and also prints that value
  • I changed the print statements in the code

In this case, the code prints the following output:

before future/then
after future/then; before await async
after await, x = 750
the end
Future::then, i = 1000
Future::then, i = 500

Once again you can see:

  • The main thread of the code goes flying right through the Future::then code; unlike await/async, the thread doesn’t pause for Future/then
  • The code does wait for the await code before moving on
  • The end of the program is reached
  • The Future/then code finally prints some time later

So again, the lesson is the same as before:

  • The main thread does not pause for Future/then
  • The main thread does pause for an await statement

Here I write the “main thread,” but since really just has one thread, that isn’t 100% correct, but if you’re used to Java/Scala/JVM programming languages, it’s easier to think of the Future/then code as running on another thread in parallel to the main thread.