A Java method that converts seconds to minutes and seconds

If you happen to need something like this, here’s some source code for a Java method that converts seconds in time to a String formatted as minutes and seconds:

private static String convertSecondsToMinutesAndSeconds(int secondsInput) {
    int minutes = secondsInput / 60;
    int seconds = secondsInput % 60;
    return String.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds);

Feel free to use that code as a pointer in the right direction of a solution to this problem, but if you don’t already see the problem(s) here, it may help to know that this is actually a really crappy method.

Years ago I would have written that method like that and not given it a second thought, but as a programmer you (hopefully) continue to get wiser, and especially with a lot of exposure to functional programming lately, I now see that as a poor method. The question is, do you know why? If you don’t, I encourage you to think about all of the problems with this method/function. As a hint, there is more than one problem with it.