Mac OS X application - where to put your data files in your user's home directory (Java, Scala)

As a quick note, I use code like this in my Mac/Java/Scala applications to determine where I can put my application data files on a user’s Mac OS X filesystem:

object Global {
    val APP_NAME = "TypewriterFX"
    val SLASH  = System.getProperty("file.separator")
    val USER_HOME_DIR        = System.getProperty("user.home")
    val REL_APP_DATA_DIR     = "Library/Application Support/com.valleyprogramming/" + Global.APP_NAME
    val CANON_ROOT_APP_DIR   = USER_HOME_DIR + SLASH + REL_APP_DATA_DIR // Users/Al/Library/Application Support/com.valleyprogramming/Typewriter
    val CANON_LOG_DIR        = CANON_ROOT_APP_DIR + SLASH + "Logs" // Users/Al/Library/Application Support/com.valleyprogramming/Typewriter/Logs
    val CANON_DEBUG_FILENAME = CANON_LOG_DIR + SLASH + Global.APP_NAME + ".log" // Users/Al/Library/Application Support/com.valleyprogramming/Typewriter/Logs/Typewriter.log


The comments show where these files end up when I run my apps on my computer.

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this site, I don’t use that SLASH value too often. OS X is based on Unix, and Unix systems have used the forward-slash since ~1969, and I doubt it will change any time soon.