Scala inheritance tests: private, protected, def, val, and var

As a brief note, here are some tests I just created with Scala 3 to test concepts like private, protected, def, val, and var with inheritance tests, i.e., where classes extend other classes or traits:

// package private_def:
    // trait StoreProduct:
    //     private def id: Int   // compiler:
    //                           // "abstract method id may not have `private` modifier"
    // class Pizza extends StoreProduct:
    //     val id = 1

package def_val:
    trait StoreProduct:
        protected def id: Int

    class Pizza extends StoreProduct:
        val id = 1

package val_val:
    trait StoreProduct:
        protected val id: Int

    class Pizza extends StoreProduct:
        val id = 1

package var_var:
    trait StoreProduct:
        protected var id: Int

    class Pizza extends StoreProduct:
        var id = 1

// package val_var:
//     trait StoreProduct:
//         protected val id: Int
//     class Pizza extends StoreProduct:
//         var id = 1      // compiler:
//                         // "variable id of type Int needs to be a stable, immutable value"

// package var_val:
//     trait StoreProduct:
//         protected var id: Int
//     class Pizza extends StoreProduct:
//         val id = 1      // compiler:
//                         // "class Pizza needs to be abstract, since protected
//                         // var id_=(x$1: Int): Unit in trait StoreProduct in
//                         // package var_val is not defined"

Hopefully you can see from the comments what works and what doesn’t work when you’re using inheritance in Scala.