How to dynamically generate Sencha Touch radio buttons (Ext.field.Radio)

The following controller code shows how I dynamically render radio buttons in a Sencha Touch controller. Just scroll down and look for the recordedStreamsStore.each block of code:

Ext.define('RadioMobile.controller.RecordedStreamsController', {
    extend: '',

    requires: [

    config: {
        stores: [
        views: [
        // "In the refs configuration, you can set up references to view instances. 
        //     This allows you to retrieve and manipulate components on the page inside of your controller’s actions."
        // "refs create a reference to a component ... basically using Ext.ComponentQuery#down."
        // "put a reference to a view instance (component) inside of a controller."
        refs: {
            // localVarName : itemId
            recordingsPanel : 'recordingsPanel'
        // this is different in touch; i use an `init` method in ExtJS
        control: {
            recordingsPanel: {
                // eventWeGetFromTheViewComponent : 'localFunctionName'
                'initialize': 'onRecordedStreamsPanelBeforeRender'

    onRecordedStreamsPanelBeforeRender: function(panel, options) {
        // console.log('ENTERED RecordedStreamsController::onRecordedStreamsPanelBeforeRender');
        var me = this;
        var recordedStreamsStore = Ext.getStore("RecordedStreams");
            callback: function(records, operation, success) {
                if (success === true) {
                    var fieldset = new Ext.form.FieldSet({});
                    recordedStreamsStore.each(function(record) {
                        var filename =;
                        // console.log('   stream: ' + filename);
                        var radioField = Ext.create('Ext.field.Radio', {
                            name: 'recorded_stream',
                            value: filename,
                            label: filename,
                            labelWrap: true,
                            labelWidth: '80%',
                            listeners: {
                                'check': function(radio, e, eOpts) {
                } else {
                    console.log('error: had a problem reading the recordedStreamsStore');

    // `radioValue` is like `104.3` (or in this case a filename)
    radioHandler: function(radioValue) {
        // console.log('YOU CLICKED: ' + radioValue);
        var encodedFilename = Ext.urlEncode({ recordingFilename: radioValue });
            url: '/server/playRecording?' + encodedFilename,
            method: 'GET',
            success: function(conn, response, options, eOpts) {
                var result = VP.util.Util.decodeJSON(conn.responseText);
                if (result.success) {
                    // ignore
                } else {
            failure: function(conn, response, options, eOpts) {
                // TODO get the 'msg' from the json and display it


The Sencha Touch Panel (view)

That controller works with this simple Panel/view:

Ext.define('RadioMobile.view.RecordingsPanel', {
    extend: 'Ext.Panel',
    alias: 'widget.recordingsPanel',

    config: {
        xtype: 'recordingsPanel',
        itemId: 'recordingsPanel',
        title: 'Recordings',
        iconCls: 'time',

        scrollable: 'vertical',

        items: [
                docked: 'top',
                xtype: 'titlebar',
                title: 'Recordings'



The Sencha Touch Store and Model

For the sake of completeness, here is the corresponding Sencha Touch Store:

Ext.define('', {
    extend: '',

    requires: 'RadioMobile.model.RecordedStream',

    config: {
        model: 'RadioMobile.model.RecordedStream',
        proxy: {
            type: 'ajax',
            url: '/server/getRecordings',
            method: 'GET',
            reader: {
                type: 'json'
            noCache: true


and the Model:

Ext.define('RadioMobile.model.RecordedStream', {
    extend: '',

	config: {
	    fields: [
	        {name: 'filename'}


The code also shows some documentation on the Sencha refs element, which may be as useful as the code.