Sencha ExtJS - detecting the Enter key on a textfield in a controller function

onStockFormKeyPress: function(textfield, event, options) {
    if(event.getKey() == event.ENTER) {
        Ext.Msg.alert('Keys','You pressed the Enter key');

This function is called when the keypress event is handled in the init function of my controller class:

init: function(application) {

    // add the components and events we listen to

        'stockList': {
            render: this.onRender

        'stockList button#delete': {
            click: this.onDeleteStockButtonClicked

        // 'companyName' refers to the itemId
        'stockform textfield#companyName': { //handle Enter on the companyName textfield
            keypress: this.onStockFormKeyPress


    if (!Ext.getStore('Stocks')) {