For about five hours today I felt really good. I felt normal, healthy. Unfortunately at 3pm that all came to a screeching halt, but until then, that was five hours of bliss. No pain, no weakness, no need to concentrate to stay conscious.
Sometimes when health issues creep up on you slowly, you don’t realize how crappy you feel, until you have a few hours like today when you’re reminded of what “healthy” feels like. In the days before the thyroid cancer I suspected something was wrong, because instead of gaining distance on my daily bike rides I was having to work harder, but couldn’t go as far. I also knew that I felt “foggy” in the head, but it wasn’t until I met a nutritionist who game me a supplement (I don’t remember what it was), and within 20 minutes I felt great, like the fog had been lifted.
Unfortunately today’s feeling of wellness didn’t last, but for that five hours I felt great.