“And it’s a gentle way — if we can see ourselves as better connected (interconnected with everything) — still messed up individuals, but as part of a whole.
And I can’t always get into that state of mind, but when I’m in that state of mind, it brings some ... not happiness, but some sense of place and purpose.
I don’t want to get preachy with any of this stuff, but to me, I’m not a religious person, but maybe a humanitarian, humanist, interested in spiritual matters.
I think we’re part of a bigger picture, and I think the future has echoes in the present day, and sometimes when we’re being open and listening, we can pick those up. For example, I know that when I’m doing the right thing, all sorts of coincidences start happening, things start falling into place.
I think everyone has access to all sorts of stuff that isn’t immediately clear in our mind. And there are echoes of the past and the future that we can pick up on.”
~ Peter Gabriel, from this video