JSF error - Why your JSF error message might not be displayed

Using JavaServer Faces (JSF), if you can't see the error message (FacesError) you're creating in your controller/handler when you forward to a new JSP (JavaServer Page), the problem may be that you have a "redirect" tag in your faces-config.xml file.

For example, the following JSF faces-config.xml example shows the problem, where I do have a redirect tag when I bounce control back to the login.jsp page:


    <!-- the "redirect" tag below is bad; your error message (FacesError) will never be seen -->

Fortunately this is a simple fix. To make sure users do see your JSF error message (FacesError), just take the redirect tag out of your JSF navigation rule, as shown here:


  <!-- taking the redirect tag out of here let's the user see your error message -->