JMX example - A multithreaded Java JMX application

Here is some sample Java source code for a multithreaded JMX test that I created recently. After creating two other JMX example projects — a simple JMX Hello World tutorial project, and then a JMX standalone (Swing) project — I decided to create this multi-threaded JMX test application to see how JMX would work with an application that had multiple threads running simultaneously.

Our JMX MBean interface

Let's start looking at some code. First, here's the source code for a Java interface (essentially a JMX MBean interface) named HelloMBean:

public interface HelloMBean {
   public void setMessage(String message);
   public String getMessage();
   public void sayHello();

Implement the JMX MBean interface

Next, here's the source code for a concrete Java class named Hello that implements the HelloMBean interface (our JMX MBean interface):

public class Hello implements HelloMBean {
   private String message = null;

   public Hello() {
      message = "HI there";

   public Hello(String message) {
      this.message = message;

   public void setMessage(String message) {
      this.message = message;

   public String getMessage() {
      return message;

   public void sayHello() {

A Java class that extends Thread

Next up, here's the source code for a Java class named PingPong that extends the Java Thread class:

public class PingPong extends Thread {
   String word;                 // what word to print
   int delay;                   // how long to pause
   int count;                   // number of iterations

   PingPong(String what, int time, int number) {
      word = what;
      delay = time;
      count = number;

   public void run() {
      try {
         for(int i=0;i < count;i++) {
            System.out.println(i+": "+word+":"+activeCount());
            sleep(delay);    // wait until next time
      }  catch (InterruptedException e) {
         return;             // end this thread

Our JMX agent (JMX service) class

Next, here's the source code for a Java class named SimpleAgent that includes a main method that kicks off this JMX agent (JMX service) application, and starts several PingPong threads:

import javax.swing.*;

public class SimpleAgent {
   private MBeanServer mbs = null;

   public SimpleAgent() {

      // Get the platform MBeanServer
       mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();

      // Unique identification of MBeans
      Hello helloBean = new Hello();
      helloBean.setMessage("HELLO - HELLO - HELLO");
      ObjectName helloName = null;

      try {
         // Uniquely identify the MBeans and register them with the platform MBeanServer 
         helloName = new ObjectName("SimpleAgent:name=SwingHelloThere");
         mbs.registerMBean(helloBean, helloName);
      } catch(Exception e) {

   public static void main(String argv[]) {
      SimpleAgent agent = new SimpleAgent();
      System.out.println("SimpleAgent is running...");
      new PingPong("ping",    2000, 1000).start();
      new PingPong("  pong",  5000,  500).start();
      new PingPong(" ding",   4000,  500).start();
      new PingPong("   dong", 3000,  500).start();
      new PingPong("PONG",    2800,  500).start();

A shell script to start our JMX service

And finally here's a Unix/Linux shell script named that I wrote to start this sample multithreaded JMX service application:


java \ \ \ \

To run all of this code, save the source code shown here to the appropriate files (,,, and, and, compile them, and then run them with the script.

Once the application is running you can then connect to it with the jconsole application (Sun's "JMX console" application) and view its JMX resources.