By Alvin Alexander. Last updated: June 4, 2016
Here's a copy of a Glassfish cheat sheet (reference page) that I always keep near me whenever I'm working with a Glassfish server. I like a lot of things about Glassfish, but trying to remember all of these commands for the Glassfish CLI is not one of my favorite things.
Here's my Glassfish command reference:
BASIC COMMANDS start glassfish asadmin start-domain domain1 verify your server is running http://localhost:8080/ (browse to this url) log in to admin console http://localhost:4848/ (browse to this url) start the derby database server asadmin start-database help, version 1 asadmin help list domains asadmin list-domains start a domain asadmin start-domain --verbose=true domain8 stop a domain asadmin stop-domain domain8 delete a domain asadmin delete-domain domain8 backup a domain asadmin backup-domain domain8 change passwords asadmin change-admin-password asadmin change-master-password restore a domain backup asadmin restore-domain --filename /opt/dev/apps/Glassfish_2_ur2/domains/domain8/backups/ domain8 verify the domain.xml file asadmin verify-domain-xml delete a database connection pool asadmin delete-jdbc-connection-pool sample-mysql-poo JDBC create a jdbc resource asadmin create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid sample-mysql-pool \ --host --port 4849 --secure --user admin \ jdbc/sample-jdbc-resource delete a jdbc resource asadmin delete-jdbc-resource jdbc/sample-jdbc-resource list all jdbc connection pools asadmin list-jdbc-connection-pools list all jdbc resources asadmin list-jdbc-resources CLUSTERS list clusters asadmin list-clusters delete a cluster asadmin delete-cluster cluster01 start a cluster asadmin start-cluster cluster01 stop a cluster asadmin stop-cluster cluster01 NODE AGENTS list all node agents asadmin list-node-agents delete a node agent asadmin delete-node-agent nodeAgent1 stop a node agent asadmin stop-node-agent nodeAgent1
I hope this Glassfish cheat sheet helps you as much as it has helped me.
As one final note: You can just start up the Glassfish admin console like this:
and then issue these commands from within the console, without the leading asadmin
command. For example, you can start the console like this:
and then list the Glassfish domains like this: