I've been having a blast these last few days with Mac OS X Dashboard Widgets. Apple has assembled a nice collection of them, and they're all easy to install. Just download them (they seem to all be zip files), double-click the zip file to extract the contents, and then double-click the installer. Best of all, the widgets are free, fun to play with, and in some cases, they may even help your productivity.
As an example, iStat pro is cool. It's really a dashboard of its own, and shows system memory use, disk use and activity, and other cool things like temperatures and fan speeds.
My favorite widgets of the moment are:
- Starry Night Widget: lets you see how the sky looks from any location on Earth
- A New Mac Tip Every Day: does what it says
- This Day In History: shows interesting historical events for the current day
- Weather Underground Weather Widget: weather conditions, alerts, radar, etc.
Those are just a few of the thousands of widgets available. They're available in all sorts of categories, including blogs, business, developer, email, food, games, fun, movies, music, networking, and many more.