By Alvin Alexander. Last updated: June 4, 2016 Here's a little tutorial on how to disassemble Java class files with javap -c. page-1 class disassemble java javap Converting a Scala class file to decompiled Java source code How to disassemble and decompile Scala code (javap, scalac, jad) JOptionPane showMessageDialog - a Java class to show long messages A Java email address validation class JRuby Java File class error message books by alvin In a server-side application, are cookies considered to be part of the header information? The drive back from Golden, Colorado A woman’s voice calls my name while I am meditating Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s “I am not the body” quotes from Consciousness and the Absolute Ghost Dog: In the hypnagogic or hypnopompic state, a dog asks to go out