A Ruby write to file example

Ruby file FAQ: How do I write to a file in Ruby?

Writing to a file with Ruby

Many times when you're working with Ruby scripts you need to be able to write text information to a file. Writing text to a file with Ruby is reasonably straightforward. Just like many other languages, you need to open the file in "write" mode, write your data, and then close the file.

Here's a quick Ruby "write to file" example that demonstrates how to write "Hello, world" to a file named myfile.out in the current directory:

# open and write to a file with ruby
open('myfile.out', 'w') { |f|
  f.puts "Hello, world."

It's important to note that I use f.puts in that example. If you're used to using the puts method, f.puts is just like it, except your writing to your file, f.

It's also very important to note that if that file already existed, this example would have just overwritten the previous file contents.

Ruby write to file - variations

If you like variety in your life there are actually quite a few different ways to write to a file. Here's the same example, with the do/end block syntax:

open('myfile.out', 'w') do |f|
  f.puts "Hello, world."

And in this next Ruby example I show how to write to the file using the << operator:

open('myfile.out', 'w') do |f|
  f << "Hello, world.\n"

Note the use of the \n at the end of the string when using the << operator. That's something that puts does for you automatically.

Ruby file writing - writing multiple lines

Finally, if you want to write more than one line to the file at a time, here's a quick Ruby demo showing that this can be done also:

open('myfile.out', 'w') { |f|
  f << "Four score\n"
  f << "and seven\n"
  f << "years ago\n"