When meditation takes on a life of its own

My favorite part of meditation lately is when it takes on a life of its own. This is characterized by your awareness moving to whatever you’re focusing on.

For instance, if you focus on the Anapana Spot (ānāpāna, or “AP Spot”, as I call it) just beneath your nose, your awareness will eventually move forward to that spot, and you become aware that your head is behind you.

More dramatically, if you focus on something like a candle a few feet in front of you and your awareness jumps forward to it, now your entire body will be well behind you (“you” being “your awareness”).

Once your awareness jumps forward like this, you are well on your way to your meditation taking on a life of its own, meaning that you don’t have to work hard at it anymore, it’s like your awareness wants to be in this state.

(I think Daniel Ingram has a name for this state, but I don’t remember it at the moment. It may be in his writings about a Fire Kasana.)

~ January 8, 2024