Posts in the “colorado” category

There’s a lot of things that take place in this business that you can’t control

Brock Osweiler on the Denver Broncos quarterback situation, circa December, 2017: “There’s a lot of things that take place in this business that you can’t control,” Osweiler said. “And I think the sooner you learn that, the better mindset you’ll have toward situations like this. So I support whatever the front office decides, the coaches decide. I’m just here to work hard and play quarterback when my number is called.”

First snow, coming soon

The first snowfall in the Boulder/Lousiville/Broomfield, Colorado area is expected tonight and tomorrow.

Two hotels and an apartment

On this day a few years ago, when I first moved to Colorado, I was living in two hotels and an apartment, a by-product of moving here from Alaska, with all of my belongings in my car. (Little did I know it, but I would move again a month later.)

Mike Klis Twitter DM gone bad

Wow, so a local sports news guy named Mike Klis tweeted, “Don’t confirm to Nicki,” then deleted that tweet and wrote this tweet, confirming that he meant to write that as a DM but made it a tweet instead, thereby shooting himself in the foot twice.

Some people in Colorado crack me up

Some people in Colorado crack me up. A recent conversation:

Me: Yada yada yada, I have an autoimmune disease.

Other: You should try marijuana.

Snow says we might have 1-3” of snow on Friday. I think that would be the latest snowfall we’ve had at ground level (not in the mountains) since I moved to Colorado.