How to break out of a Sencha ExtJS Store 'each' loop function early

I learned today that you break out of a Sencha ExtJS Store each loop by returning false from your function. This code shows the technique:

// check to see if the task description is already in the store for this project
taskAlreadyExistsInProject: function(projectId, taskName) {
    var tasksStore = this.getTasksStore();
    var matchIsFound = false;
    tasksStore.each(function(record) {
        if (( == taskName) && ( == projectId)) {
            matchIsFound = true;  // don't use 'me' or 'this' here
            return false;  // this breaks out of the 'each' loop
    return matchIsFound;

I don’t think you’re supposed to access the data object as I’ve done here, but the return false part, I know that’s correct.

If you needed to see how to break out of a Store each loop early, I hope this example has been helpful.