MySQL syntax examples - create table, primary key, foreign key

Just a quick note here today that if you need some MySQL `create table` examples, I hope these are helpful. I created them for some experiments I ran last night. They show the MySQL create table, primary key, and foreign key syntax:

create table authors (
  id int auto_increment not null primary key,
  first_name varchar(20),
  last_name varchar(20)

create table books (
  id int auto_increment not null primary key,
  title varchar(32)

create table book_authors (
  id int auto_increment not null primary key,
  book_id int not null,
  author_id int not null,
  foreign key (author_id) references authors(id),
  foreign key (book_id) references books(id)

insert into authors (first_name, last_name) values ('Alan', 'Watts');
insert into authors (first_name, last_name) values ('Shunryu', 'Suzuki');
insert into authors (first_name, last_name) values ('Robert', 'Aitken');
insert into authors (first_name, last_name) values ('Carlos', 'Castaneda');

insert into books (title) values ('Zen Master Raven');
insert into books (title) values ('Zen Mind, Beginner\'s Mind');
insert into books (title) values ('The Way of Zen');
insert into books (title) values ('The Teachings of Don Juan');

-- there is a better way to do this
insert into book_authors (book_id, author_id) values (1, 3);
insert into book_authors (book_id, author_id) values (2, 2);
insert into book_authors (book_id, author_id) values (3, 1);
insert into book_authors (book_id, author_id) values (4, 4);

For a very large MySQL syntax example, see my MySQL database design for Nagios. It shows many examples of creating tables and fields, drop table commands, constraints, and more.