As a quick example, if you need to see some code for a Play Framework Anorm method that inserts an object into a relational database table and returns the auto-into (MySQL auto_increment) ID field on success, here you go:
/** * This method returns the value of the auto_increment field from the MySQL `stocks` table * when the stock is inserted into the table. */ def insert(stock: Stock): Option[Long] = { val id: Option[Long] = DB.withConnection { implicit c => SQL("insert into stocks (symbol, company) values ({symbol}, {companyName})") .on("symbol" -> stock.symbol.toUpperCase, "companyName" -> stock.companyName) .executeInsert() } id }
I just got this code working with Scala 2.10.x, Play 2.2.x, and MySQL 5.something, so I know it works with those versions.
Necessary import statements
I don’t remember which Scala import statements are necessary for this code to work, but in my Stock
model object I have these import statements:
import anorm._ import anorm.SqlParser._ import play.api.db._ import play.api.Play.current
The complete Play Framework model class
Okay, what the heck, here’s the complete Stock
model class and object from my Play Framework project:
package models case class Stock (val id: Long, var symbol: String, var companyName: String) object Stock { import anorm._ import anorm.SqlParser._ import play.api.db._ import play.api.Play.current // a parser that will transform a JDBC ResultSet row to a Stock value // uses the Parser API // // these names need to match the field names in the 'stocks' database table val stock = { get[Long]("id") ~ get[String]("symbol") ~ get[String]("company") map { case id~symbol~company => Stock(id, symbol, company) } } def selectAll(): List[Stock] = DB.withConnection { implicit c => SQL("select * from stocks order by symbol asc").as(stock *) } /** * This method returns the value of the auto_increment field when the stock is inserted * into the database table. */ def insert(stock: Stock): Option[Long] = { val id: Option[Long] = DB.withConnection { implicit c => SQL("insert into stocks (symbol, company) values ({symbol}, {companyName})") .on("symbol" -> stock.symbol.toUpperCase, "companyName" -> stock.companyName) .executeInsert() } id } def delete(id: Long): Int = { DB.withConnection { implicit c => val nRowsDeleted = SQL("DELETE FROM stocks WHERE id = {id}") .on('id -> id) .executeUpdate() nRowsDeleted } } def delete(symbol: String): Int = { DB.withConnection { implicit c => val nRowsDeleted = SQL("DELETE FROM stocks WHERE symbol = {symbol}") .on('symbol -> symbol) .executeUpdate() nRowsDeleted } } /** * JSON Serializer Code * -------------------- */ import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.json._ implicit object StockFormat extends Format[Stock] { // convert from Stock object to JSON (serializing to JSON) def writes(stock: Stock): JsValue = { val stockSeq = Seq( "id" -> JsNumber(, "symbol" -> JsString(stock.symbol), "companyName" -> JsString(stock.companyName)) JsObject(stockSeq) } // convert from a JSON string to a Stock object (de-serializing from JSON) def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Stock] = { val id = (json \ "id").as[Long] val symbol = (json \ "symbol").as[String] val companyName = (json \ "companyName").as[String] JsSuccess(Stock(id, symbol, companyName)) } } }
The primary purpose for this article was to share that insert
method, so I won’t guarantee that the other methods work, but I’m pretty sure they do, especially the selectAll
method, and the JSON serializing/de-serializing code.
If you needed to see a Play Framework Anorm “insert” method, I hope this has been helpful.