This is an excerpt from the Scala Cookbook, 2nd Edition (#ad). This is Recipe 3.10, Using Java Collections in Scala.
You’re using Java classes in a Scala application, and those classes either return Java collections, or require Java collections in their method calls, and you need to integrate those with your use of Scala collections.
Use the extension methods of the scala.jdk.CollectionConverters object in your Scala code to make the conversions work. For example, if you have a method named getNumbers
in a public Java class named JavaCollections
// java
public static List<Integer> getNumbers() {
return new ArrayList<Integer>(List.of(1,2,3));
You can convert that Java list to a Scala Seq
in your Scala code like this:
// scala
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import java.util.List
def testList =
println("Using a Java List in Scala")
val jlist: java.util.List[Integer] = JavaCollections.getNumbers
// jlist.getClass is "class java.util.ArrayList"
// note that this is `Seq[Integer]` and not `Seq[Int]`:
val slist: Seq[Integer] = jlist.asScala.toSeq
Similarly, if you have a Java method that returns a Map
// java
public static Map<String, String> getPeeps() {
return new HashMap<String, String>(Map.of(
"Captain", "Kirk",
"Mr.", "Spock"
You can convert that to a Scala Map
like this:
// scala
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import java.util.{Map => JavaMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => ScalaMap}
@main def testMap =
println("use a Java Map in Scala")
val jmap: JavaMap[String,String] = JavaCollections.getPeeps
val smap: ScalaMap[String,String] = jmap.asScala
for (k,v) <- smap do println(s"key: '$k', value: '$v'")
Similarly, this example shows how to convert a Java Properties
object to a Scala Map
// [1] create and populate a Java Properties object
val javaProps = new java.util.Properties
javaProps.put("first_name", "Charles")
javaProps.put("last_name", "Carmichael")
// [2] convert Java Properties to Scala Map
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val scalaProps = javaProps.asScala
The println
statement in that code prints output like this:
Map(last_name -> Carmichael, first_name -> Charles)
This recipe shows how to perform collections conversions in Scala. To perform conversions in your Java code, see the next recipe.
Type conversions
The first example in the Solution shows how to create a Scala Seq[Integer]
from a Java java.util.List<Integer>
val slist: Seq[Integer] = jlist.asScala.toSeq
Assuming that you really want a Seq[Int]
— and not Seq[Integer]
— you’ll need to add an Integer
to Int
conversion process to your code:
def integer2Int(i: Integer): Int = i
val jlist2: java.util.List[Integer] = MyJavaClass.getNumbers()
val slist2: Seq[Int] = => integer2Int(i)).toSeq
That code does the following:
as ajava.util.List[Integer]
Converts that code to a Scala
Converts that
to aBuffer[Int]
with themap
method andinteger2Int
function -
Creates the final
with thetoSeq
Conversion methods
Code like this works because of conversion methods in the CollectionConverters
object. The two-way conversions provided by the scala.jdk.CollectionConverters object shows the two-way conversions that are possible using the asScala
and asJava
Table 1. The two-way conversions provided by the scala.jdk.CollectionConverters object
Scala collection | Java collection |
For example, you can convert a Scala Buffer
to a Java List
using asJava
, and perform the opposite conversion using asScala
Additional two-way conversions, including specially-named methods shows additional two-way conversions. The conversions to Scala are supported with asScala
, and the specially-named extension methods let you convert the Scala collections to Java collections.
Table 2. Additional two-way conversions, including specially-named methods
Scala collection | Java collection |
One-way conversions (Scala to Java) that are provided by the CollectionConverters
class lists one-way conversions that are possible with asJava
Table 3. One-way conversions (Scala to Java) that are provided by the CollectionConverters
Scala collection | Java collection |
One-way conversions that are provided with asScala
lists one-way conversions that are possible with asScala
Table 4. One-way conversions that are provided with asScala
Scala collection | Java collection |
See Also
The scala.jdk.CollectionConverters, for converting from Java to Scala
The scala.javaapi.CollectionConverters, for converting from Scala to Java
The scala.jdk.javaapi.StreamConverters, for creating Java Streams that work with Scala collections