Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Functional programming
- Scala variables
- Scala loops (while, do, for)
- Scala scripts and command line arguments
- Scala control structures
- Scala functions
- Defining function literals
- Common Scala data structures and types
- Scala classes and objects
- Scala class hierarchy
- Scala try, catch, exception syntax
- Scala traits (mixins)
- Importing Java classes
- Scala underscore use
- Scala Actors and messaging
- Scala cheat sheet - TODO items
Summary: This document is a Scala cheat sheet (reference page), in HTML format. (Update: This is a little dated, but I hope it’s still helpful.)
This page is a work in progress, but as I've been learning Scala, I've been creating all sorts of little notes, and I'm now trying to organize them into this Scala cheat sheet. Many of the initial notes were based on the excellent book, Programming in Scala (#ad) (Odersky, Spoon, and Venners).
(Here's a link to my companion document, a Scala cheat sheet in PDF format.)
- is a high-level language
- is statically typed
- is concise
- supports the object-oriented programming paradigm
- supports the functional programming paradigm
- supports a sophisticated type inference system
- has traits, which are like mixins
- has an Actors API, which is based on the Actors concurrency model built into Erlang
- uniform access principle
- more ...
Functional programming
Two main ideas in functional programming:
- Functions are first-class values. Same status as something like an integer or a string.
- Operations of a program should map input values to output values rather than change data in place ...
Other notes:
- function types are classes ... functions are first-class values
- every value is an object and every operation is a method call
- Immutable data structures are one of the cornerstones of functional programming
- Methods should not have any side effects, they should take arguments and return results ... "referentially transparent" ... a function application is characterized only by its result.
Note from Programming Scala:
- Prefer "val" (try to program without "var", prefer immutable objects)
- Functions should not have side effects
- "Telltale sign of a function with side effects is that its result type is Unit"
Scala variables
Two types of Scala variables:
- var - a variable, can be changed
- val - also a "variable", but can't be changed, like a Java "final" variable
// a variable (mutable) var x = 1 x = 2 // an immutable field (can't change the reference) val x = 1 x = 2 // this causes an error
Implicit and explicit types
Notice right away that types can be implicit:
// an Int val x = 1 // a String val s = "Hello, world"
Or you can specify them explicitly:
val x: Int = 5
Scala loops (while, do, for)
Scala loop constructs:
- while
- do
- for
- foreach
- true and false keywords
Scala while loop examples
Some simple Scala while loop examples:
var i = 0 while (i < array.length) { println(array(i) i += 1 }
Note that i++ and i don't work in Scala because it is a true OO language.
while (hungry) { println("Me hungry") hungry = getHungerStatus }
Scala for loop examples
Some simple Scala for loop examples:
Say "for arg in args":
for (arg <- args) println(arg)
For loop with the "x to y" syntax:
// "x to y" syntax for (i <- 0 to 5) println(i) // "x to y by" syntax for (i <- 0 to 10 by 2) println(i)
TODO Much more to document about for loops, including "if" syntax like this:
for ( file <- files if file.isFile if file.getName.endsWith(".txt") ) doSomething(file)
(The book "Programming in Scala" has excellent examples of this.)
foreach examples
Some simple Scala foreach loop examples:
// function literal - body is "println(arg)" args.foreach(arg => println(arg)) // shorter args.foreach(println(_)) // even shorter - if function literal consists of one // statement that takes a single argument, you can do this: args.foreach(println)
Scala scripts and command line arguments
Use the "args" array to access command line arguments in Scala, so elements are arg(0), arg(1), etc.
println("Hello, " + args(0))
or this:
Run a Scala script like this:
scala hello.scala
Can also access command line args like these examples:
args.foreach(arg => println(arg)) // shorter args.foreach(println(_)) // even shorter - if function literal consists of one // statement that takes a single argument, you can do this: args.foreach(println)
Scala control structures
Scala if/then control structures:
if (a == b) doSomething() if (a == b) doSomething() else doSomethingElse() if (a == b) { doSomething() } else { doSomethingElse() }
Scala 'if' and 'else if' syntax examples:
if (test) // do something else if (test) // do something else if (test) // do something else // do something
Scala functions
Scala functions are created with the "def" keyword:
// define a function def hello():Unit = { println("Hello, world") } // call the function hello
Can simplify the signature:
def hello() { println("Hello, world") }
More simplified:
def hello { println("Hello, world") }
Even more simplified:
def hello = println("Hello, world")
With function parameters and a return value:
def max(x: Int, y: Int): Int = { if (x > y) x else y }
A shorter version of that same function. Notice the implicit return and return type:
def max(x: Int, y: Int) = if (x > y) x else y
Defining function literals
The basic function literal format:
// function literal format. (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y
- function parameters are in parentheses
- right arrow
- function body to the right of the right arrow
(TODO: More/better examples here.)
Variable-length argument lists
Use the "*" syntax, like this:
def printAll(args: String*) = args.foreach(println) printAll("a", "b", "c")
Passing Scala functions as function arguments
A simple example of passing a Scala function as a function argument:
scala> def foo = println("Hello") foo: Unit scala> def bar(u:Unit) = u bar: (u: Unit)Unit scala> bar(foo) Hello
(TODO: More/better examples here.)
Scala functions - Summary
- Several different formats (but they are consistent, and based on need)
- Value of last statement is return value
- Must specify argument types
- Specifying return type is optional
- Don't forget the equal sign in the definition
- Can pass functions around like variables
- A return type of Unit indicates the function doesn't return anything interesting
(TODO: Add "currying")
Common Scala data structures and types
Array, Map, List, tuples, and more ...
val names = Array("Fred", "Barney", "Betty")
val names = Array.apply("Fred", "Barney", "Betty")
var info = Map("first_name"->"Al", "last_name"->"Alexander") info += ("state"->"Alaska")
Scala List
val names = List("Fred", "Barney", "Betty")
// "cons" - prepend elements val moreNames = "Wilma" :: names
"::" is a a right operand, because the method name ends in ":"
Scala tuples
Tuples can contain different types of elements.
val things = (100, "Foo") println(things._1) println(things._2)
Scala types
Some basic Scala types. All are in package 'scala' except for String, which is in 'java.lang'.
Byte Short Int Long Char String Float Double Boolean
Rich wrapper classes:
Byte scala.runtime.RichByte Short scala.runtime.RichShort Int scala.runtime.RichInt Long scala.runtime.RichLong Char scala.runtime.RichChar String scala.collection.immutable.String Float scala.runtime.RichFloat Double scala.runtime.RichDouble Boolean scala.runtime.RichBoolean
Scala classes and objects
Scala class and object syntax:
class Person { }
Class variables:
class Person { var firstName } var p = new Person p.firstName = "Al"
Another class definition:
class Person { var name = "" def hello = println("Hello") def hello1() = println("Hello 1") } var p = new Person = "Alvin Alexander" println( p.hello p.hello1
Class definition with constructor:
class Person (theName: String) { val name = theName // this is printed from the constructor method println("Hello " + name) } var p = new Person("Al Alexander")
A class with "extends" and "with" syntax:
class Bird extends Animal with Wings { ... ... }
TODO: Much more here, including "object" and "trait" compared to "class".
Scala class hierarchy
TODO: Discuss Unit, Any, and more here. (A nice Scala type hierarchy here.)
Scala try, catch, exception syntax
Similar to Java:
try { doSomething } catch { case ex: FileNotFoundException => println(ex) case ex: IOException => // handle it }
Scala traits (mixins)
Like Ruby "mixins" ...
You can do anything in a trait definition that you can do in a class definition with two exceptions:
- A trait cannot have any class parameters.
- In traits, "super" calls are dynamically bound.
TODO: Examples needed here ... Joel Abrahamsson has a good traits tutorial.
Importing Java classes
Examples of how to import Java classes into Scala code:
// import one class import // import every class in a package import // import multiple classes from a package (version 1) import{File, IOException, FileNotFoundException} // import multiple classes from a package (version 2) import import import // create an alias to a class you import import{File => JFile}
After importing the Java File class you can use it like this:
f = new File("foo.txt")
Scala underscore use
Similar to an early O'Reilly example of the underscore use:
object Under { def main(args: Array[String]) = { args.foreach(printf("%s ", _)) } }
Third example from the O'Reilly book, Programming Scala:
// pass args from the command line object Upper { def main(args: Array[String]) = {"%s ", _)) println("") } }
Underscore use in a function literal:
(s:String) => s.toUpperCase
Can shorten this to:
Scala Actors and messaging
This section is TBD, I haven't had much chance to use the Actors API.
Scala cheat sheet - TODO items
- apply method
- update method
- companion object
- match and case