A Flutter function to convert a TimeOfDay to a String (formatted)

If you ever need a Dart/Flutter method to format a TimeOfDay variable — i.e., convert a TimeOfDay to a String — I can confirm that this method works:

String formatTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay tod) {
    final now = new DateTime.now();
    final dt = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day, tod.hour, tod.minute);
    final format = DateFormat.jm();  //"6:00 AM"
    return format.format(dt);

As shown, this code convert a Flutter TimeOfDay to a Dart DateTime, which you can then format with DateFormat. That DateFormat class link shows a lot of other ways you can convert a DateTime to a String, such as this:

var fmt = DateFormat("HH:mm").format(now);

In summary, if you need to convert a Flutter TimeOfDay to a String, I hope this example function is helpful.