How to set Java FlowLayout to flow left, and control horizontal and vertical spacing

This code shows how to create a Java FlowLayout that flows left and has horizontal spacing of ten pixels and vertical spacing of five pixels:

FlowLayout flowLayout = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 10, 5);

Here’s what the FlowLayout constructor arguments look like:

FlowLayout(int align, int horizontalSpacing, int verticalSpacing);

FlowLayout 'align' property definitions

The align property can be any of these:

  • LEFT

Here are the definitions for those align properties from the FlowLayout Javadoc:

LEFT     - each row of components should be left-justified
CENTER   - each row of components should be centered
RIGHT    - each row of components should be right-justified
LEADING  - each row of components should be justified to the leading edge of the container's orientation, for example, to the left in left-to-right orientations
TRAILING - each row of components should be justified to the trailing edge of the container's orientation, for example, to the right in left-to-right orientations

Without writing some code, I honestly have no idea what LEADING and TRAILING actually do. Other than that caveat, if you needed to know about how set a Java FlowLayout to flow, and also to set its horizontal and vertical spacing properties, I hope this is helpful.