An example of using Minitest with Scala 3.0-M3

Here’s a quick example of how to use Minitest with a Scala 3.0-M3 sbt project. First, here’s an example sbt build.sbt file:

val scala3Version = "3.0.0-M3"
lazy val root = project
        name := "scala3-simple",
        version := "0.1.0",
        scalaVersion := scala3Version,
        libraryDependencies += "io.monix" %% "minitest" % "2.9.2" % "test",
        testFrameworks += new TestFramework("minitest.runner.Framework")

scalacOptions ++= Seq(
    "-deprecation",         // emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs
    "-explain",             // explain errors in more detail
    "-explain-types",       // explain type errors in more detail
    "-feature",             // emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly
    "-indent",              // allow significant indentation.
    "-new-syntax",          // require `then` and `do` in control expressions.
    "-print-lines",         // show source code line numbers.
    "-unchecked",           // enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions
    "-Ykind-projector",     // allow `*` as wildcard to be compatible with kind projector
    "-Xfatal-warnings",     // fail the compilation if there are any warnings
    "-Xmigration",          // warn about constructs whose behavior may have changed since version

Next, here’s the syntax for a Minitest unit-testing file that you’d put under src/test/scala:

import minitest._
object MySimpleSuite extends SimpleTestSuite {
    test("should be") {
        assertEquals(2, 1 + 1)

    test("should not be") {
        assert(1 + 1 != 3)

    test("should throw") {
        class DummyException extends RuntimeException("DUMMY")
        def test(): String = throw new DummyException

        intercept[DummyException] {

    test("test result of") {
        assertResult("hello world") {
            "hello" + " " + "world"

That code comes directly from the Minitest docs.