A sample .gitignore file for Scala/sbt projects

As a brief note today, this is a sample Git .gitignore file that I use for Scala projects, including Scala CLI projects, sbt projects, and using VS Code or IntelliJ IDEA as your IDE:

# scala-cli, bloop, metals

# vs code

# scala 3

# sbt

# eclipse

# intellij idea

# mac

# other?

# general

I’ll update this file over time, but for now I just want to put an example gitignore file out here so I don’t have to try to remember which gitignore file I created last.

One final note: Some of those files/directories are unique to SBT, some are for IntelliJ IDEA, others are for Scala/Eclipse, and .DS_Store is Mac-specific. Use whatever you want/need.

Some of this is counter to recommendations, so buyer beware. More info: