A Scalaz putStrLn “Hello, world” IO Monad example (Scalaz 7)

Without much discussion, here is some source code for a Scalaz 7 “Hello, world” example, using the Scalaz putStrLn function:

package scalaz_tests

import scalaz._
import effect._
import IO._

 * from http://eed3si9n.com/learning-scalaz/IO+Monad.html
 * requires these in build.sbt:
 *     libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
 *         "org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-core" % "7.1.3",
 *         "org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-effect" % "7.1.3"
 *     )
object ScalazHelloWorld extends App {

    val action1 = for {
         _ <- putStrLn("Hello, world!")
    } yield ()

    //println("me first")

Regarding the source code, note that no printing happens until the unsafePerformIO function is called. That’s why I put the other println statement in there before that line. If you un-comment the println statement, you’ll see that it is printed first. Or, if you remove the unsafePerformIO function call, you’ll see that there is no output.

I left all the extra import statements in there because I want to see/know/remember where things like the putStrLn function come from. (It looks like putStrLn is defined as scalaz.effect.IO.putStrln in Scalaz 7.)

Note the comment about the Scala/SBT build.sbt file. You specifically need to import the scalaz-effect library for this example to work. (I assume that you need the core library as well, but I know that it won’t work without scalaz-effect.)

A second Scalaz putStrLn example

Okay, while I’m in the neighborhood, here’s a second Scalaz putStrLn example that also uses readLn:

object ScalazTest2 extends App {

    val whoAreYou = for {
        _ <- putStrLn("who are you?")
        name <- readLn
        _ <- putStrLn("hello " + name)
    } yield ()


That example comes from this page.

(If you know Haskell, you know that this for loop looks like a Haskell do loop.)