A Sencha Store Ajax JSON proxy reader/writer example

This Sencha Store Ajax JSON proxy reader/writer example comes from the link shown. It shows how to use:

  • Ext.data.Store
  • An Ajax proxy
  • An api configuration
  • A Reader configuration
  • A Writer configuration
  • A write listener
Ext.onReady(function() {
    var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
        model: 'Writer.Person',
        autoLoad: true,
        autoSync: true,
        proxy: {
            type: 'ajax',
            api: {
                read: 'app.php/users/view',
                create: 'app.php/users/create',
                update: 'app.php/users/update',
                destroy: 'app.php/users/destroy'
            reader: {
                type: 'json',
                successProperty: 'success',
                root: 'data',
                messageProperty: 'message'
            writer: {
                type: 'json',
                writeAllFields: false,
                root: 'data'
            listeners: {
                exception: function(proxy, response, operation){
                        title: 'REMOTE EXCEPTION',
                        msg: operation.getError(),
                        icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
                        buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
        listeners: {
            write: function(proxy, operation){
                if (operation.action == 'destroy') {
                Ext.example.msg(operation.action, operation.resultSet.message);