Posts in the “technology” category

AlphaGo Zero whips AlphaGo, 100-0

NPR reports that a new version of Google’s AlphaGo Zero software became a Go master by learning to play the game only by playing itself, i.e., only by using reinforcement learning (as opposed to supervised learning). Per the report in, “AlphaGo Zero achieved superhuman performance, winning 100–0 against the previously published, champion-defeating AlphaGo.”

Amazon Echo Show

Amazon’s Echo Show is pretty cool, the closest thing I’ve seen yet to what I had in mind with SARAH. (Because I started with a display, it was hard for me to imagine using a device like this without a screen.)

Netflix Christmas movie recommendations

Netflix movie recommendations often leave me scratching my head, but in this list of Christmas movie recommendations, one of these things is not like the others.

iPhone 8 vs Intel Core i5 web performance

With Twitter being Twitter, I saw this image there, and now I can’t find it again. But it shows that the new iPhone 8 is significantly faster at rendering a page.

Actually, since I can’t find the original source, I don’t know if they both rendered mobile web pages, or whether they tried several times to make sure it wasn’t just a hiccup. But seeing that the architecture in a little phone can come anywhere near the performance of a desktop/laptop processor that’s still being sold makes one wonder about the future.

Update: I think this was the original source of the image.

Donations or micropayments to support professional journalism

I thought it was great that you can donate any dollar amount you want to The Guardian to support professional journalism. I wrote the New York Times and Washington Post and said I don’t read their content enough to justify a subscription, and asked if I could either donate to them or use some form of micropayments, but they both wrote back to say they only offer (more expensive) subscriptions.

Update: Someone wrote on Twitter to note that these are for-profit organizations and therefore they can’t take donations. That’s not true, but even if they didn’t want to accept donations, they could offer micropayments or lower-cost subscriptions for a limited number of page views.