Tuples (Scala 3 Video)
A Scala tuple is a collection of two or more elements, and those elements can be of any type.
Tuples are created as values in between parentheses:
(1, 2.2, 3L, 'a', "yo") // (Int, Double, Long, Char, String)
Access tuple elements in Scala 3 by their index:
val t = (1, 2.2, 3L, 'a', "yo")
Can also do this:
val (i, d, l, c, s) = (1, 2.2, 3L, 'a', "yo")
When it makes sense, you can use a tuple instead of a class:
// [1] class
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String)
val a = Person("Walter", "Bishop")
// [2] tuple
val b = ("Walter", "Bishop")
Functions can return tuples, which you can assign to variable names:
def getUserInfo: (String, Int, Double) =
// do some stuff here, then return a 3-element tuple
("Al", 42, 200.0)
val (name, age, weight) = getUserInfo
// result:
// val name: String = Al
// val age: Int = 42
// val weight: Double = 200.0