My new book: 'You want me to do what? A Survival Guide for New Consultants'

In 1993, I took a leap of faith, and began a career as a software consultant. I initially worked at a "full-service" computer company, left that company after three years, lived out a one-year noncompete agreement, then started my own business named "Mission Data" in 1996. I sold that company in 2007, started Alexander Consulting in 2008, and later created Valley Programming when I moved to Alaska. During these years my salary went from $30,000 to over $300,000 per year.

In my new book, "You want me to do what? A Survival Guide for New Consultants (#ad)", I share the best advice I know on how to survive and then succeed as a consultant. When I was running Mission Data, I always wished I had the time to write a "consulting manual" for the new employees I hired, and this book is essentially the manual I wish I had the time to write back then.

My book is now available for the Kindle on for only $2.99, and you can preview it by clicking on the image below:

You want me to do what? A Survival Guide for New Consultants (#ad)

I hope you enjoy my book, and more than that, I hope it helps you have a very profitable and rewarding career.