“Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual, everyday routine.”
As a continuation of the previous topic, the most powerful thing you can do in marketing your consulting business is this:
Get customers to come to you.
Cold-calling is bad business
Imagine this situation: You’re sitting there at work, and someone calls and says, “Hi, my name is Fred, and I’d like to sell you my services.” Personally, I hate receiving those kind of unsolicited calls. They make me want to never do business with that person.
Cold-calling on prospects has all sorts of problems and barriers:
- The prospect may not need your service.
- You may have interrupted something they were working on.
- Even if they’ll listen to you, you have to sell yourself from scratch.
- As in my case, you may have just lost a potential customer for life.
- A million other problems ...
Now, if you flip this situation, and get prospects to call you:
- You know they’re interested in your service.
- More than that, they’re interested in your service right now.
- They called you, you didn’t call them, so the selling process becomes much easier. They’re already “sold” enough to call you.
I could go on for a while, but I think you’ll agree that having prospects call you is a much more powerful technique than attempting to cold-call them. For techniques to get prospects to call you, please see the previous chapter.