As I finish editing this book in January, 2014, it’s a busy time. In addition to releasing this book, I just finished writing a 700+ page computer programming book for O’Reilly named Scala Cookbook (#ad).
A funny thing about the Scala Cookbook: I wrote it on a whim, as a dare, wondering, “Am I good enough to write this book, on my own?” I doubted myself for a little while, but then overcame my fears and sent an email to the people at O’Reilly. As I’ve said throughout this book, all you are is attitude.
If you’re interested in contacting me, you can reach me in a variety of ways:
I offer my consulting services through my company, which is located just outside of Boulder, Colorado:
As I mentioned a few times in this book, I’ve also written another book named, How I Sold My Business: A Personal Diary (#ad). That link will take you to the book on
I hope you have enjoyed reading this book, and even more importantly, I hope it will help you find wealth and happiness in your career!
All the best,
Alvin Alexander