How-to: Steps to create a Github pull request (git branch, etc.)

I’ve been writing books for ten years — such as the 2021 Scala Cookbook (#ad) and Functional Programming, Simplified — so I haven’t had the time to work on many open source projects, and therefore, my ability to remember how to:

  • fork a Github project
  • pull it down
  • create a git branch
  • push that branch back, and then
  • submit a pull request

are weak, at best.

That being said, I’ve done it a few times lately, so I’m getting better at it. Today was a very smooth process, so I thought I’d make these notes while they’re still fresh in my mind.

1) Fork the project

The first thing to do is fork a project on Github. That’s easy to do, just go to the web page for the project, click Fork, then wait while they fork is created. When it’s done you’ll have a new repository in your list of Github repositories.

2) Clone

Next, clone your forked Github project, i.e., git clone <projectName>. When I clone a Github project, the command looks like this:

git clone

Update: In 2021 (I think), Github added a “Fetch Upstream” button/link on your cloned project page (which is now named “Sync fork” in 2023). This makes the process of keeping your cloned repo in sync with the main repo much easier.

3) Create a branch

Next, cd into that project directory on your local filesystem. First, you can list all of the project branches with this command:

git branch

# note: these commands really show all branches
git branch -a
git branch --all

Then create a new branch. For example, create a new branch named my-improvements, like this:

git branch my-improvements

4) Use that branch (make your changes)

Next, use that branch for your new edits. You do that by switching to it with the git checkout command:

git checkout my-improvements

You can always confirm what branch you’re currently working in with this command:

git branch

Its output should look like this:

* my-improvements

Now make all the edits/corrections/changes you need to make on this branch. Edit files, delete files, add new files and directories, etc.

5) Commit your changes

After you’re finished, add and commit your changes just like you’re working in master:

git add .
git commit -m "added my excellent changes"

6) Push the changes back to Github

Next, push your changes back to Github. To do this, first switch back to the master branch:

git checkout master

Now when you run git branch you should see this output:

$ git branch
* master

Now push the changes back to Github with this command:

git push origin my-improvements

When you do this, you’ll see some output like this at the command line:

remote: Create a pull request for 'my-improvements' on GitHub by visiting:

This is nice, because it now gives you the URL to go to where you can complete your pull request.

7) Finish the process on the Github UI

Now go to the URL Github gives you for your pull request. Fill out that form and submit it to complete the pull request process.

As of July, 2021, here’s an example of what the Github UI looks like when I submit a pull request on the Scala Documentation project:

Github pull request process and user interface

Technically that’s the end of the process until someone on the other end does something with your pull request, so you’re finished for now.

Summary: Creating a pull request on Github

If you ever need to create a pull request on Github, I hope these notes are helpful. In summary, the steps are:

  • Fork the project you want to contribute to
  • Clone that new project from your forked Github repo to your computer
  • cd into that project
  • Create a new branch with git branch my-improvements
  • Use that branch with git checkout my-improvements
  • Make all the changes you want
  • When you’re finished, use git add . and git commit as usual
  • Switch back to master (or main) with git checkout master
  • Push the changes back to Github with git push origin my-improvements
  • Go to the link git gives you to complete the pull request process

Again, if you need to create a pull request on Github, I hope this is helpful.

Update: Keeping your fork in sync

As a “note to self”, these are some resources I read about in regards to keeping your fork in sync with the “upstream” master/main branch:


My own experience today looks like this:

> git clone
> cd docs.scala-lang

> git remote -v
  origin (fetch)
  origin (push)

> git remote add upstream

> git fetch upstream
  # not much happened here
   * [new branch]        master     -> upstream/master

> git merge upstream/master
  # this had a LOT of output, as expected
  Updating ee65f7ff..9ac8ff20
   _overviews/scala3-book/                  |  2 +-
   _overviews/scala3-book/                   |  2 +-
   ... much more here ...
   _overviews/scala3-book/                |  2 +-
   _overviews/scala3-book/                    | 16 ++++++++--------
   38 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

# `git branch` shows all of my branches
> gb -a
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

I’m not yet a very good git user in a team environment, but I can at least share this information. :)