Ezoic ads vs Google AdSense (2024, website advertising revenue/partner)

This is an ongoing blog post about “making the switch” from Google AdSense to Ezoic in 2024. If you’re just interested in updates over time, see the “Updates” section at the bottom of this article.

Switching from AdSense to Ezoic

For a long time I was afraid to switch to another company besides AdSense because I had not heard of Ezoic and others, but after several weeks on their platform, I’m happy to say that all is well.

I should also say that in my defense, I was also busy with other things in life, and I thought that “making the switch” might take a while, but if you have existing AdSense and Analytics accounts, it doesn’t seem to take too long. The actual time I spent on a computer to make the changes was probably about 4-8 hours overall, but in calendar time it took a few days because of the AdSense and Analytics integration (waiting), and a few other configuration things I had to wait for. (So, several days in calendar time, but 4-8 hours in actual time.)

It’s also important to note that Ezoic is an AdSense partner, which I discuss more below.

More on Ezoic vs AdSense

The only negative I have seen with Ezoic is that it starts out by showing a LOT of ads, so I have slowly been slowing that down. But the positive is that they give you the tools to control this.

In fact, Ezoic has a LOT of tools to let you customize how many ads are shown, and other tools for analytics, suggesting articles and content, videos, etc. Compared to AdSense, Ezoic gives you many more tools and controls that you can use.

I’ll write more about the Ezoic experience over time, but after about 25 days on their platform, I’m pretty happy that I switched from Ezoic to AdSense.

Ezoic is a Google AdSense partner

One other thing I should add before I go is that Ezoic is a Google AdSense partner, and during the setup process you can integrate your Ezoic setup with AdSense, along with the Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Ezoic’s analytics reports look a lot like Google Analytics results, so I assume they are getting that information from Google Analytics.

From what I have seen, the Search Console integration is only needed if you want to use the Ezoic NicheIQ product to get more insight into your website, including topic recommendations, SEO, site health, and Page Booster (which identifies pages that are losing momentum, and I expect to be a great feature).

Updates: Ezoic vs AdSense

Update: I’ve been using Ezoic for nine weeks now, and everything is basically the same as I reported earlier. I’m learning more about the Ezoic tools, but because I only spend 2-4 hours per week on this site, that’s slow going on my part.

June 30, 2024

Over time I’ve made a number of changes to the way the Ezoic ads are displayed on my website. I’m glad to say that the two contacts I now have with Ezoic have both been helpful in showing me how to make the changes, and what changes they suggest making and not making.

April 15, 2024

A nice thing about Ezoic is that people from the company keep reaching out to see if I’m happy with Ezoic, and if I want any more information about their tools. I don’t think I ever had an email with anyone from Google AdSense, so this is a nice change.

March 27, 2024

I just received my first payment from Ezoic, so that’s cool.

March 16, 2024

As a brief note today, I recently started using Ezoic for the ads on this website, and so far my revenue is much greater than it was with Google AdSense. My ad revenue has increased at least 50%, and probably more than that.