A Java method to replace all instances of a pattern in a String with a replacement pattern

Note: The code shown below is a bit old. If you want to perform a “search and replace” operation on all instances of a given pattern, all you have to do these days is use the replaceAll method on a Java String, like this:

String s = "123 Main Street";
String result = s.replaceAll("[0-9]", "-");

That second line of code returns the string “--- Main Street”. I kept the information below here for background information.

Older/background information

As a quick note today, here’s a Java method that will perform a “find and replace” operation on all instances of a given pattern:

private static String findAndReplaceAll(
    String pattern,
    String replaceWith, 
    String inputString)
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputString);
    return matcher.replaceAll(replaceWith);

More accurately, that method replaces all instances of pattern that are found in inputString with the string replaceWith.

I call it like this to create a new string where all integers are replaced with a “-” character:

String result = findAndReplaceAll("[0-9]", "-", originalString);

I also call it like this to replace all tab characters with a single space:

String result = findAndReplaceAll("\t", " ", originalString);

In summary, if you were looking for a Java method to replace all instances of a pattern in a String with a replacement pattern, I hope this is helpful.