Ant web build script FAQ: Can you share an example Ant build script for a web application?
Sure, here's a sample Ant build script for a Java web application. I've included other example Ant scripts for Java Swing/JFC/GUI applications on this website, but this one demonstrates how to use Ant to build a web app instead.
My Ant build script for web applications
<project name="MY_APP" default="cleandist" basedir="."> <property environment="currentenv" /> <property file="build.${currentenv.ANT_HOST_NAME}" /> <property name="build" value="build" /> <property name="rootdir" value="../" /> <!-- properties for 'jsp-only' deployment on tool --> <property name="cvspages" value="../pages" /> <property name="jspTargetDir" value="${appDeployDir}" /> <property name="imagesTargetDir" value="${jspTargetDir}/images" /> <path id="class.path"> <pathelement path="${currentenv.classpath}"/> <fileset dir="../lib"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> <include name="**/*.zip"/> </fileset> <fileset dir="${tomcat_home}/lib"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> <include name="**/*.zip"/> </fileset> </path> <!-- CLEAN --> <target name="clean"> <echo message="Removing old directory structure..." /> <delete dir="${appDeployDir}" > </delete> </target> <!-- MK DEPLOY DIR --> <target name="mkDeployDir"> <mkdir dir="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/classes" /> <mkdir dir="${dg_props_dir}" /> </target> <!-- DEPLOY --> <target name="deploy"> <copy todir="${appDeployDir}"> <fileset dir="${rootdir}/pages"/> </copy> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/global/properties.jsp" token="@web_site_context@" value="${web_site_context}" /> <copy todir="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/lib"> <fileset dir="${rootdir}/lib" /> </copy> <copy todir="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/classes"> <fileset dir="${rootdir}/classes" /> </copy> <!-- STRUTS STUFF --> <copy todir="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF"> <fileset dir="${rootdir}/resources"> <include name="*.tld"/> </fileset> </copy> <copy file="${rootdir}/resources/struts-config.xml" toDir="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/" /> <!-- WEB.XML --> <copy file="${rootdir}/resources/web.xml" toDir="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@dg_props_dir@" value="${dg_props_dir}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@deployDir@" value="${appDeployDir}" /> <echo message="CHANGING SETTINGS FOR DD CONN BROKER" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@databasehost@" value="${databasehost}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@db_name@" value="${db_name}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@db_username@" value="${db_username}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@db_password@" value="${db_password}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@db_log_file@" value="${db_log_file}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@db_driver@" value="${db_driver}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@db_url@" value="${db_url}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" token="@file_upload_dir@" value="${file_upload_dir}" /> <replace file="${appDeployDir}/fileUpload.jsp" token="@web_site_context@" value="${web_site_context}" /> <!-- <copy file="${rootdir}/resources/log.conf" toDir="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/" /> --> <!-- DATA/CONFIG FILE LOC --> <copy file="${rootdir}/resources/dg.props" toDir="${dg_props_dir}" /> </target> <target name="compile"> <echo message="Compiling MY_APP ..." /> <javac classpathref="class.path" srcdir="${rootdir}/classes" destdir="${appDeployDir}/WEB-INF/classes" /> </target> <!-- JSP DEPLOY --> <target name="jspDeploy"> <echo message="Deleting JSP's and HTML files in web folder ..." /> <delete> <fileset dir="${jspTargetDir}" includes="*.jsp"/> <fileset dir="${jspTargetDir}" includes="*.html"/> </delete> <echo message="Deleting images in web folder ..." /> <delete> <fileset dir="${imagesTargetDir}" includes="*.gif"/> <fileset dir="${imagesTargetDir}" includes="*.jpg"/> </delete> <echo message="Creating necessary folders (if needed) ..." /> <mkdir dir="${jspTargetDir}"/> <mkdir dir="${imagesTargetDir}"/> <echo message="Copying JSP's and HTML files to web folder ..." /> <copy todir="${jspTargetDir}"> <fileset dir="${cvspages}"> <include name="*.*"/> </fileset> </copy> <echo message="Copying images to web folder ..." /> <copy todir="${imagesTargetDir}"> <fileset dir="${cvspages}/images"> <include name="*.*"/> </fileset> </copy> <echo message="Changing file permissions on the site ..." /> <chmod file="${jspTargetDir}\*" perm="ug+rw" /> <chmod file="${imagesTargetDir}\*" perm="ug+rw" /> </target> <!-- CLEANDIST --> <target name="cleandist" depends="clean, mkDeployDir, compile, deploy"> </target> </project>
Ant web build script - Discussion
In this sample Ant web build script I also do a fair amount of variable substitution during the build process. I do this by referencing a property file in this line of the Ant script:
<property file="build.${currentenv.ANT_HOST_NAME}" />
This lets me change Ant build properties depending on which server (or workstation) I am running the build process on. The ANT_HOST_NAME is a variable that I set in the environment of each machine. Here are the contents of one of these property file that I reference on my laptop:
tomcat_home = c:\\tomcat-3.3.2 appDeployDir = c:\\tomcat-3.3.2\\webapps\\appname db_username = username db_password = password dg_props_dir = c:/tomcat-3.3.2/webapps/appname/data db_log_file = c:/tomcat-3.3.2/logs/ddConnectionBroker.log web_site_context = /appname file_upload_dir = c:/tomcat-3.3.2/logs db_driver = org.postgresql.Driver db_url = jdbc:postgresql://