Yoga tip: 50+ phrases to use before and during savasana

As a little yoga/savasana tip, here’s a collection of 50+ phrases you can use to help relax and focus, both before and during savasana.

Please note that I don’t know the original source of all these quotes. I had a few yoga instructors back in the day, so I got a collection of the quotes from them.

Phrases to use before and during savasana to relax and focus

That being said, here are the quotes:

  • Put it all down.
  • Let it all go.
  • Release all tension and sink into the earth.
  • Surrender to gravity.
  • Let your body melt away.

  • Relax every muscle, every cell, every thought.
  • Allow yourself to be held by the ground.
  • Let go of all effort.
  • Breathe in peace, breathe out any stress.
  • Empty your mind and soften your heart.

  • Give yourself permission to rest completely.
  • Let every exhale take you deeper into relaxation.
  • Feel the weight of your body releasing into the floor.
  • Allow your breath to be soft and effortless.
  • Feel your mind becoming lighter, like a feather.

  • Let go of everything that no longer serves you.
  • Release every thought, every worry.
  • Imagine all tension dissolving away.
  • Trust in the support of the ground beneath you.
  • Allow your body to become still like a calm lake.

  • Soften your gaze and let your mind float.
  • Embrace the quiet, empty space within.
  • Imagine every exhale as a wave of relaxation.
  • Let your thoughts drift by like clouds in the sky.
  • Allow the silence to hold you.

  • Become aware of the spaciousness around you.
  • Surrender completely to this moment.
  • Let every muscle become heavy and loose.
  • Feel yourself letting go of all resistance.
  • Unclench every part of your body, even your mind.

  • Sink deeper with every breath you take.
  • Let go of the past, release the future—be here now.
  • Welcome stillness and let it expand within you.
  • Rest in the ease of simply being.
  • Imagine yourself merging with the earth beneath you.

  • Allow yourself to be weightless and free.
  • Let your breath be a guide to deeper relaxation.
  • Feel your body becoming one with the earth.
  • Let each breath carry you deeper into stillness.
  • Allow yourself to be fully supported in this moment.

  • Soften any remaining areas of tension or holding.
  • Invite a sense of spaciousness into your body and mind.
  • Release any need to do or be anything right now.
  • Let your awareness float gently in the present.
  • Imagine peace flowing through every part of your being.

  • Allow yourself to rest in a cocoon of tranquility.
  • Feel the boundary between your body and the space around you dissolve.
  • Let go of any remaining effort to control or direct your experience.
  • Sink into a place of deep inner quietude.
  • Allow your body to feel heavy, your mind to feel light.

  • Embrace the nourishing stillness within and around you.
  • Let each exhale carry away any lingering tension or thoughts.

How to use these savasana quotes

I know that’s a lot of quotes, so I wouldn’t bother trying to learn all of them by any means. But hopefully there’s at least one in there that “speaks to you,” so my recommendation is to just note down any of those that you really like.

Another tip: The correct state of mind during savasana

The correct state of mind during savasana is one of deep relaxation and conscious awareness. Here’s what practitioners should aim for:

  1. Relaxed alertness: Feel deeply relaxed but stay awake. Remain aware of your surroundings and sensations.

  2. Non-doing: Let go of any effort to control your experience. Allow thoughts, sensations, and feelings to come and go without engaging with them.

  3. Present moment awareness: Focus on the here and now. Release thoughts about the past or future.

  4. Body awareness: Pay attention to physical sensations without changing them. Notice how your body feels in contact with the floor.

  5. Breath observation: Observe your natural breath without controlling it.

  6. Acceptance: Adopt an attitude of acceptance towards whatever arises in your experience.

  7. Surrender: Let go of tension, both physical and mental. Allow yourself to feel supported by the earth.

  8. Stillness: Stay physically still to promote mental stillness. (Ideally, your sense of body sensations will gradually fade away.)

  9. Spaciousness: Cultivate a sense of inner spaciousness, as if your awareness expands.

  10. Integration: Let the benefits of your practice settle into your body and mind.

The focus remains on simply being, not doing. Many years ago I wrote an app named “Just Be”, and it was based on this concept.

The mental state during savasana is not about achieving a particular state, but about allowing yourself to rest in open awareness. If the mind wanders, bring attention back to the breath or body sensations without judgment.

Remember, the experience varies from person to person and from day to day. The key is to approach savasana with an attitude of gentle attention and acceptance.

And as a little summary, if you need help relaxing and focusing before and during savasana, I hope these yoga phrases/quotes are helpful.