Posts in the “scala” category

Scala examples: Reading HOCON configuration files, and screen-scraping with JSoup and Sttp

If you’re interested in this sort of thing, I’ve been trying to fix the pages for my free Scala and functional programming video courses, and to that end I needed to do some things with reading HOCON configuration files, and screen-scraping of my own website pages.

Therefore, without much explanation, here is some source code that I wrote over the last day or two, with the help of an A.I. tool or two. One thing to note is that the quality of the code isn’t very good, because I let the A.I. tools generate most of it, and I didn’t bother to clean it up.

Free “Introduction to Functional Programming” video training course: January 21, 2024

My free “Introduction to Functional Programming” video course is almost complete. Today I released 12 new lessons, starting with for Loops, Generators, and Guards, and ending with Lessons Learned.

After this there are about five final lessons (depending on what I decide to include), and by the end of the course we’ll start writing some ZIO code.

As always, many thanks to Ziverge’s Scala and Rust consulting services for sponsoring the creation of these “100% Free” videos, with no ads and no firewalls!

Scala performance FAQ: Is there a way to determine the number of processors, CPUs, or cores on a computer?

Scala performance FAQ: Is there a reliable way to determine the number of processors (CPUs) or cores when writing Scala code?


As I was reading this article on ZIO performance tuning, I decided to look into whether there is a reliable way to determine the number of CPUs or cores on a computer using Scala (and therefore Java, Kotlin, and other JVM languages).

The solution is that there seems to be a reliable way to determine the number of CPUs or cores in Scala. In short, use the Java Runtime class to get the information. This Scala example shows how to do it:

ZIO 2 Example: Print values after a random delay (and the ZIO error channel)

As a brief note today, here’s a little ZIO 2 example that shows how to print a series of values with a random delay in between each value that’s printed.

Also note that in the code below there are different ways to implement randomWaitTimeInSeconds ... for instance, it could return a Duration, but I just have it return an Int.

I also use ZIO.foreach to generate the values in a range, and that could be handled differently.

Another thing I do is use an exception inside, and I do that because I want that error to be a Throwable on the ZIO “error channel” (i.e., the E parameter in ZIO[R, E, A].)

ZIO.attempt: examples and documentation

ZIO 2 FAQ: How do I work with the ZIO.attempt function?


When you’re working with existing (legacy) Scala code that:

  • is synchronous, and
  • can throw an exception

wrap that code with ZIO.attempt. As you’re about to see, this creates a ZIO effect from that legacy code.

Not only does this create a ZIO effect, it also puts the exception in the ZIO “error channel,” i.e., the E parameter in the ZIO[R, E, A] type signature.

ZIO 2: How to implement the 'run' value (different solutions)

As I wrote in my ZIO “mental model” and best practices article, when I work with ZIO, I like to separate (a) my application from (b) the ZIO run value. Specifically I mean that I like to handle the results of the application in the run value. (If you’ve read my previous ZIO blog posts, when I say “application,” I mean our main equation or blueprint.)

There are quite a few different ways to write a ZIO run value, and in this tutorial I want to show many of the different ways I know, or at least those I can remember today. :)

Scala tuple examples and syntax

Scala FAQ: Can you share some examples of using tuples in Scala?

A Scala tuple is a class that can contain a miscellaneous collection of elements. I like to think of them as a little bag or container you can use to hold things and pass them around.

You create a tuple with the following syntax, enclosing its elements in parentheses. Here's a tuple that contains an Int and a String:

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