A Scala email client (JavaMail API wrapper)

Here’s some source code for a little Scala email client. It’s nothing much, just a little wrapper that works with the JavaMail API:

package com.alvinalexander.email

import javax.mail._
import javax.mail.internet._
import java.util.Date
import java.util.Properties
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

class MailAgent(to: String,
                cc: String,
                bcc: String,
                from: String,
                subject: String,
                content: String,
                smtpHost: String) {

    val message: Message = createMessage
    message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from))

    message.setSentDate(new Date())

    // throws MessagingException
    def sendMessage {

    def createMessage: Message = {
        val properties = new Properties()
        properties.put("mail.smtp.host", smtpHost)
        val session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties, null)
        return new MimeMessage(session)

    // throws AddressException, MessagingException
    def setToCcBccRecipients {
        setMessageRecipients(to, Message.RecipientType.TO)
        if (cc != null) {
            setMessageRecipients(cc, Message.RecipientType.CC)
        if (bcc != null) {
            setMessageRecipients(bcc, Message.RecipientType.BCC)

    // throws AddressException, MessagingException
    def setMessageRecipients(recipient: String, recipientType: Message.RecipientType) {
        // had to do the asInstanceOf[...] call here to make scala happy
        val addressArray = buildInternetAddressArray(recipient).asInstanceOf[Array[Address]]
        if ((addressArray != null) && (addressArray.length > 0)) {
            message.setRecipients(recipientType, addressArray)

    // throws AddressException
    def buildInternetAddressArray(address: String): Array[InternetAddress] = {
        // could test for a null or blank String but I'm letting parse just throw an exception
        return InternetAddress.parse(address)


This isn’t too helpful, but it’s an example of how I use it:

def sendTrendsEmailMessage(dailyTrends: String, usTrends: String, worldTrends: String) {
    new MailAgent(emailSendTo,
        buildTextForEmail(dailyTrends, usTrends, worldTrends),