Posts in the “technology” category

Marc Andreessen tweets concerns of high cash burn rates at startups

Andreessen Horowitz partner Marc Andreessen (also a founder of Netscape) recently released a series of 18 tweets regarding his concerns over cash burn rates at startups. He wrote his tweets as he agreed with a man named Bill Gurley, who told the Wall Street Journal that Silicon Valley “is taking on an excessive amount of risk right now.”

Here is the text from Mr. Andreessen’s 18 tweets:

Using JSHint with Sublime Text 2 (not found error message)

I know remarkably little about using JSHint with Sublime Text 2 at the moment, but I finally found that if I installed JSHint like this from the command line:

$ npm install -g jshint

after earlier installing JSHint from within Sublime Text 2, JSHint magically started working in Sublime Text.

I guessed this in part by finding a README file with the Sublime Text JSHint install:

A collection of Raspberry Pi "video streaming with camera module" links

I’ve been working on putting together a Raspberry Pi “video streaming with camera module” system, and these are the links (and a few notes) that were helpful in the process. At the moment I’m using the “Stream video with MJPEG-streamer” approach, but it only shares images of snapshots that are taken a few times a second, so it’s not exactly what I had in mind. If I try anything next, I’ll go with the “Using nginx-rtmp” approach, which seems like it might serve up a real, live video stream.

Here are the links:

How to log into an iPad by throwing an Android tablet onto it

I have no idea why this works, but if I throw/slide my Google Nexus 9 tablet onto my old iPad 2, the iPad wakes up and logs in automatically. You can see it happen in this 30-second video:

I’m not touching any iPad buttons when this happens. My guess is that the iPad 2 thinks that I just removed a magnetic cover, but really, I have no idea why it does this.

The last one million visitors

I probably spend about 10 hours a year looking at data related to website visitors, and today was one of those days where I gave it 15 minutes of time. Here’s a quick look at the data.

This first image shows what browsers the visitors are using:

I write mostly about Open Source and Macs, so if IE is a little lower than usual, it may be because of that.

This image shows the number of people using desktop, mobile, and tablet clients:

An Arduino Uno Hello, World program

Last night I finally got some time to work with my new Arduino Uno board, and created a little "Hello, world" program. This program is just the same "LED on Pin 13" program I see repeated in every book and on every website, but it really is helpful when you're struggling to get started with the Arduino hardware, like I was.

A simple Arduino Uno LED fade program

Shortly after writing my Arduino Uno Hello, World example, I read my documentation a little more, learned that Pin 9 on the Arduino Uno board is an analog pin, switched the LED wire to that pin, and created the following program, which slowly lights up the LED using an analog programming approach, and then fades the LED light out.

Here's the source code for my LED fade sketch:

Charts of recent tech stock IPOs

With the Facebook IPO coming up this week, I thought I'd take a quick look at recent IPOs from other tech companies. These charts generally show the early months after an IPO.

With thanks to Yahoo for the graphics, here are the charts:

Angie's List:



Arduino projects and information

(The following content is from an email I sent to a relative about the Arduino. They have a college-age student who we might be interested in this.)

The programmable electronics kit I showed you is named "Arduino". Here's the main URL:

Here are links to some fun Arduino projects:

iPad base stands (including a 2002 iMac G4 base)

Summary: A look at iPad base stands.

For a while now I've been interested in finding an iPad stand that I can use in my kitchen. The idea is simple: If you're cooking something healthy, it takes a little time, so I'd like to be able to put my iPad in a stand and listen to Pandora or a show on Netflix while I'm cooking, or cleaning the dishes.

Arduino biofeedback and brain wave projects

A week ago or so, a friend of mine told me about a game called Mindflex where you can use your brain waves to control a styrofoam ball. Ever since then, I've been wondering if you could do something like this with an Arduino.

This video shows an attempt at doing that:

Here's a link to that video:

Nagios web application screenshots

Sorry folks, I hoped to be able to release the source code I created for a Nagios Web Interface, but after starting on it a few hours ago, I'm giving up on this project. The code works just fine, as you can see from the screenshots below.

The problem is the amount of work it will take to make this code "clean" for public release. It currently has my client name all over it, and removing all those references is just going to take too long. (Unless of course an angel investor wants to contribute a few week's pay into my PayPal account.)