By Alvin Alexander. Last updated: April 28, 2019
Here's a Bourne Shell (sh) script I use to run a Java anti-spam program I wrote. The program I'm running isn't important, but what is worth sharing about this shell script is how I dynamically build the Java CLASSPATH by including all of the jar files in the lib directory.
Other parts of the shell script (showing a shell script for loop) may be worth sharing as well, but I think that building the Java classpath dynamically in the shell script is probably the most important part.
With that being said, here's the shell script:
#!/bin/sh export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java PATH=/usr/local/java/bin:${PATH} cd /home/ala/DevDaily/Musubi #---------------------------------# # dynamically build the classpath # #---------------------------------# THE_CLASSPATH= for i in `ls ./lib/*.jar` do THE_CLASSPATH=${THE_CLASSPATH}:${i} done #---------------------------# # run the anti-spam program # #---------------------------# java -cp ".:${THE_CLASSPATH}" \ EmailAgentController \ lib/ \ lib/ \ message.uid.cache \ | tee -a SPAM.mbox
I guess the Linux tee
command and the line continuation stuff is good too, if you've never seen that. Bourne Shell programming — heck, programming on a Unix system — is pretty cool.