OS X 10.9 is sucking the life out of my old Mac, a 2008 iMac. Like turning off everything on Star Trek’s Enterprise so you can give power to something else (like the engines or shields), I keep looking for ways to bring a little life back to it. One way I’ve read about is to kill the Dashboard on 10.9.
You can kill the Dashboard with this Mac OSX defaults
command, issued in a Mac Terminal window:
defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES
(You do not need to proceed this command with a sudo
After issuing that command, do a kilall
on Dock processes like this:
killall Dock
Re-enabling the OS X Dashboard
If you later decide to re-enable the Dashboard, use this command:
defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean NO
following again by the killall
killall Dock
I learned about this technique on this osxdaily.com web page. Other websites showed this technique, but their defaults
commands were not correct, at least not as of June, 2014.