Fellow Christian Voters: Support Jesus’s values when voting (and don’t sell your soul)

Dear Fellow Christian Voters,

I want to make this blog post as short as possible, so I just want to share my opinion here as concisely as possible.

First, I am an independent voter, but I will strongly consider any compassionate and humble presidential candidate who seems to be honest and have integrity.

I will also support anyone who is a TRUE Christian.

But I will NOT support any person who violates almost all of the Ten Commandments, and then has the audacity to waive a Bible around. That just makes me sick.

What Jesus REALLY taught

Jesus taught:

  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Compassion (He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and welcomed social outcasts.)
  • Service to Others
  • Humility
  • Honesty and Integrity

Donald Trump is the opposite of Jesus’s values

In my opinion, Donald Trump is the opposite of all these values.

He mocks the disabled.

He mocks war heroes like John McCain.

He mocks True Christians who provide service to others like the 100 year old Jimmy Carter.

Jesus would never do anything like that.

Frankly, I have no idea how a TRUE CHRISTIAN would possibly ever think about voting for him. A vote for him is a vote for the EXACT OPPOSITE of everything that Jesus taught.

Do you want to spend eternity in hell with him?

Here’s a brief story: I’ve spent a lot of time with a man in his late-80s, and do you know what he worries about the most? That when he dies, he will go to Hell.

So I ask you, do you REALLY want to take the chance of spending ETERNITY in Hell by supporting a candidate who is literally the OPPOSITE of Jesus?

Just think about that time span: Maybe you’ll be alive here on Earth, for what, another 50 years? Now compare that to spending millions and millions of years in Hell.

Is that what you REALLY want?

Whatever you think you’re supporting, please, if you are a True Christian, please consider your soul.

When you vote, be a True Christian

When you vote, please vote as a TRUE CHRISTIAN.

Think about the VALUES that Jesus taught when you cast your vote.

Think about The Ten Commandments, and which candidate has violated the most.

Then think about how casting that vote impacts your soul.

I don’t know about you, but if there’s even a remote chance that there is a Hell, I sure don’t want to spend MILLIONS or BILLIONS of YEARS burning in Hell by supporting a candidate who is the EXACT OPPOSITE OF JESUS.

Lastly, for the sake of your own soul, if you can’t bring yourself to vote against a person who is the opposite of Jesus, then all I can suggest is to stay out of this, don’t vote at all, and continue praying for yourself, for everyone in the United States, and all of humanity.

And again, please think about (a) your soul and (b) spending eternity burning in Hell.