True Christian Voting, 2024: Trust the Bible, Jesus Christ, and Yourself

Dear Fellow Christian Voters,

The 2024 voting season is upon us in the United States, and many politicians and news networks will try to make you believe they support Christian values.

Frankly, I’m fed up with all of them trying to use and distort Jesus’s message, and I’m here to ask you to ignore their WORDS and pay attention to their ACTIONS. As a Christian, just ask yourself:

Do the ACTIONS of this person really represent Christian values?

Main Tenet: Trust the Bible, Jesus Christ, and Yourself

Please note that I’m not making a Democrat vs Republican statement. I’m an independent voter who makes up my own mind, and I’m just asking that when you vote for anyone — President of the United States, congressperson, etc. — that you trust:

  1. The words of the Bible.
  2. The words and actions of Jesus Christ.
  3. And most importantly, I’m asking you to reflect on those two items, and then trust yourself to vote for the person who really represents Christian values.

The only caveat I’ll add to that is that a True Christian, we can’t pick and choose what we want to believe. That is, you can’t believe that five of The Ten Commandments are good, and the other five aren’t important. As someone once said, they’re Ten Commandments, not Ten Suggestions. We follow them all.

Politicians words vs their actions

As I ask you to trust the Bible, Jesus, and yourself, I want to reiterate that you need to focus on VALUES, PRINCIPLES, and ACTIONS, and specificaly NOT the WORDS that candidates speak.

I was actually inspired to write this article because a local congressman voted AGAINST a bill that I believe strongly supported Christian values, and then had the gall to come out and speak about what a Christian he is.

Frankly, that upsets me deeply. I know that he will literally have Hell to pay, and I know that the Bible tells us not to judge, but in the case of voting for politicians, that’s exactly what we have to do if we want to see true Christian values continue in the United States. And unfortunately their words don’t match their actions anymore.

What Jesus said about actions vs words

I have just started to research what Jesus said about people’s ACTIONS vs their WORDS, and in my first research I have found the following information. I have broken down each section that follows into two parts:

  • Scriptural Basis: This is where you can find the information I shared.
  • Application: How we can apply this information to our current world.

Jesus’s Teachings on Trusting Actions Over Words

  1. The Parable of the Two Sons
  2. Scriptural Basis: In Matthew 21:28-32, Jesus tells the parable of the two sons. One son says he will not work in the vineyard but later does, while the other son says he will work but does not. Jesus asks which son did the will of the father, illustrating that actions speak louder than words.
  3. Application: This parable underscores the importance of actual behavior over verbal promises.

  4. The Sermon on the Mount

  5. Scriptural Basis: In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus warns about false prophets, saying, “You will know them by their fruits.” He explains that good trees bear good fruit, and bad trees bear bad fruit, emphasizing that people’s actions reveal their true character.

  6. Application: Again, this teaching encourages us to base out decisions on observable actions rather than just spoken claims.

  7. The Parable of the Good Samaritan

  8. Scriptural Basis: In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan, who helps a beaten man while others pass by. The Samaritan’s actions demonstrate true neighborly love, in contrast to the inaction of others who might have spoken of such love.

  9. Application: This parable illustrates that genuine compassion and love are shown through actions, not false words.

  10. The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

  11. Scriptural Basis: In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus describes the final judgment, where people are separated as sheep and goats based on their actions. Those who fed the hungry, welcomed strangers, and cared for the sick are commended, while those who did not are condemned.

  12. Application: This teaching highlights that righteous actions are crucial, and reflect true faith.

  13. On Obeying God’s Commands

  14. Scriptural Basis: In John 14:15, Jesus says, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” He emphasizes that love for Him is demonstrated through obedience to His teachings.

  15. Application: This underscores that true devotion is shown through actions, not just words of affection.

So again, I want to emphasize that a true Christian should evaluate candidates and policies based on their actions and track records rather than their rhetoric. This aligns us with Jesus’s emphasis on the importance of actions that reflect true values and integrity.

Values of Jesus Christ

If you are a true Christian, I probably don’t need to tell you about Jesus’s values, but if you would like some examples, I’ll share those next (using the same format).

  1. Love and Compassion
  2. Scriptural Basis: In Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus emphasized love for God and love for one’s neighbor as the greatest commandments.
  3. Application: We should vote for candidates who truly show love for GOD and THEIR FELLOW MAN through their ACTIONS, which in this case is how they vote.

  4. Justice and Fairness

  5. Scriptural Basis: Jesus often spoke about justice, standing against hypocrisy, and advocating for the oppressed (Luke 4:18-19).

  6. Application: To be clear, part of the definition of “hypocrisy” is (a) candidates who say one thing while (b) they do something else. “Advocating for the oppressed” is a very strong statement, which means that we need to support policies that strive for social justice, equitable treatment, and protection of human rights, FOR ALL. Again, as a True Christian, we don’t get to pick and choose.

  7. Humility and Servanthood

  8. Scriptural Basis: Jesus taught that the greatest leaders are those who serve others (Mark 10:42-45).

  9. Application: Honestly, in the United States I don’t know how many politicians demonstrate humility, integrity, and a genuine desire to serve the public good over personal gain. How do we judge that a leader “serves others”? In my opinion, all we can do is look at the other points I have outlined here.

  10. Peace and Reconciliation

  11. Scriptural Basis: Jesus is referred to as the Prince of Peace, and called for peacemaking and reconciliation (Matthew 5:9, John 14:27).

  12. Application: As a Christian, we need to vote for those candidates who prioritize peaceful solutions, diplomacy, and efforts to bridge divides in the world, and in our nation. (Politicians who seek to divide our country are the exact opposite of what Jesus taught.)

  13. Truth and Integrity

  14. Scriptural Basis: Jesus declared Himself as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). He valued honesty and transparency.

  15. Application: We need to support candidates who are honest, transparent, and whose actions match their words.

  16. Care for Creation

  17. Scriptural Basis: Jesus showed respect for God’s creation, and the Bible calls for stewardship of the Earth (Genesis 2:15).

  18. Application: As a true Christian, we must show respect for God’s creation, specifically the Earth. Therefore, we should vote for politicians who protect the environment, promote sustainability, and address climate change responsibly. The Bible clearly tells us that we are the stewards (caretakers) of our planet.


I want to write more on this topic, but I think this article is already long, and I don’t want to make it longer. Therefore, I’ll just say that I hope what I have written so far is helpful. And I’ll keep repeating:

  • Don’t trust politicians’ words; judge them by their actions.
  • Trust The Bible, the words and actions of Jesus, and yourself.
  • As a true Christian, we don’t pick and choose what to follow. For example, there are Ten Commandments, so we follow all Ten. Period.

Practical Considerations About “Truth”

As a practical matter, we need to find sources of truth, sources that we can trust in this day and age.

To be clear, I don’t think we can trust Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or other channels like that. These days they all seem to have one agenda or another.

As a “computer guy,” one website I trust as a source of truth is:

As far as I know, they don’t have any agenda, other than finding out what the truth is. I’ll try to add other websites here as I learn about them, but for now, Snopes is where I go to.

Beyond that, all I can say is that we need to look at what politicians are actually doing compared to what they say. I know that can be hard these days, but that’s what we need to do.

If you don’t have the time to do that, then maybe just fall back on what you know about what the Bible and Jesus have said, and compare the candidates to that. Or compare them to something simpler like The Ten Commandments, if that’s easier.

True Christian voting in the Swing States

My personal opinion is that it’s a shame that the vote for President of the United States is NOT based on popular vote, but instead is a state-by-state contest. I know this made sense in the 18th Century, but I’m not convinced it makes sense now.

The reason I say that is because this way of voting for President has created the concept of some states that are red, some that are blue, and also the “Swing States”:

  • Arizona
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Iowa
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Wisconsin

If you live in a Swing State, that’s great, because you have an opportunity to influence the 2024 United States elections. And again, all I’m asking is that you ONLY trust:

  • The Bible
  • Jesus
  • Yourself

As true Christians, we need to only put our faith and trust in those sources. I’m sorry if I sound like a cynic, but I don’t believe we can trust politicians or news sources any more. Because we have to judge people at times like this, I just ask that you judge them in the ways I have already described: BY THEIR ACTIONS, NOT BY THEIR WORDS.

If all you can do is compare their actions to The Ten Commandments, that’s awesome! That’s much better than listening to someone who is trying to use their words to influence you!

As a Christian, I believe it’s important for us to vote based on True Christian Values, and not what a politician or newsperson is trying to sell us. Please join me in voting based on the principles that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ.