“Hello, Scala” - A swift introduction to a scalable programming language

I wrote the Scala Cookbook (#ad) for programmers looking for solutions to common Scala problems, and then wrote Functional Programming, Simplified for programmers looking for a simple way to learn functional programming. A few months ago I decided to finish my Scala trilogy and write a book for programmers who don’t know Scala and want a quick introduction to it. With that, Hello, Scala (#ad) was born:

Hello, Scala (#ad)

I wrote Hello, Scala in the same style I used to write Functional Programming, Simplified: A simple, conversational style, where each chapter covers one small topic. As a result, the book is about 230 pages long, with 56 small chapters, an average of about four pages per chapter.

If you’re interested in learning Scala, the book is now available as a Kindle ebook (#ad). The introductory price is only $2.99 (USD); I hope that price makes it an easy and affordable way for people to quickly get started programming with Scala. The regular price will be $9.99 after March 1, 2018.

All the best,

Note: The book, Hello, Scala (#ad), is an improved version of my hello-scala.com website.