Mac ISO burn tip: How to burn an ISO image to a CD on macOS

Apple Mac ISO burning FAQ: How do I burn an ISO image on macOS?

It seems like lately all I'm doing is burning stuff to a CD or DVD on my macOS system, first backups, and now I'm burning ISO images.

If you've never burned an ISO image to a CD or DVD on a Mac before, it's pretty easy. Here's how I just burned a Fedora ISO image on my MacBook Pro, which is a macOS 10.4.10 system.

Mac ISO burn tip - How to burn an ISO image on macOS

First, of course, is to have an ISO image ready to burn on your local disk, or a network share. Once you have that, just follow these steps. (Note that, to date, I've always burned ISO images to a CD. I assume you follow the same process to burn to a DVD, but I don't know that for sure.)

  1. Start the macOS Disk Utility (click Applications, then Utilities, then Disk Utility).
  2. Drag your ISO icon to the left sidebar of the Disk Utility application. (Figure 1 below.)
  3. On that left sidebar, select the ISO you just created.
  4. From the menu bar choose Images, then Burn...
  5. You're prompted to insert a disk, as shown in Figure 2 below.
  6. After inserting the disk you're prompted one more time to proceed with the burn (Figure 3).

Mac ISO burn - screenshots

Images you'll see during the ISO burn process are shown next.

Figure 1: Shows the Mac Disk Utility, with my Fedora ISO file selected.

Figure 2: The prompt to insert a disk.

Figure 3: You get one last chance to cancel.

Figure 4: The Mac Disk Utility progress bar as the disk is burned.

All of these ISO images are from the Disk Utility on macOS version 10.4.10.

Mac ISO burning - summary

That's all I had to do to burn an ISO image to CD on macOS. I hope these "Mac ISO burning" steps and images are helpful to anyone else going through this ISO-burning process.