If you ever need a macOS Unix shell script to convert many HEIC images to JPG or PNG format, I just wrote and used the following shell script, which uses the ImageMagick library, and I can confirm that it works.
As a word of warning before using this code, make sure you back up your images before running the script, because it will operate on ALL HEIC images in the directory it is run:
# WARNING: make a backup copy of all your images before
# running this code.
for inFile in `ls *.${extension}`
baseFilename=`basename $inFile .${extension}`
echo "$inFile --> $outFile"
magick $inFile $outFile
mogrify -resize 50% $outFile # make the image 50% of the original size
There may be better ways to do this, but the magick
and mogrify
commands are part of the ImageMagick library, and they do the work of transforming the HEIC images to JPG images in this example, and can also be used to transform the images to PNG and other formats.
I just saved that shell script code (Bourne shell syntax) to a file, made it executable, and ran it, and it properly converted the HEIC images to JPEG images.
Update: Convert all WEBP images to JPG or PNG
And a little update, here's the second version of that script that I just changed to create JPG or PNG images from WEBP images:
extension=webp # extension=heic for inFile in `ls *.${extension}` do baseFilename=`basename $inFile .${extension}` outFile="${baseFilename}.jpg" echo "$inFile --> $outFile" # 1st approach (2 lines): # magick $inFile $outFile # mogrify -resize 50% $outFile # make the image 50% of the original size # 2nd approach: magick convert $inFile -resize 900x -quality 90 $outFile done