What def, val, and var fields in Scala traits look like after they’re compiled (including the classes that extend them)

I generally have a pretty good feel for how Scala traits work, and how they can be used for different needs. As one example, a few years ago I learned that it’s best to define abstract fields in traits using def. But there are still a few things I wonder about.

Today I had a few free moments and I decided to look at what happens under the covers when you use def, val, and var fields in traits, and then mix-in or extend those traits with classes. So I created some examples, compiled them with scalac -Xprint:all, and then decompiled them with JAD to see what everything looks like under the covers.

I was initially going to write a summary here, but if you want to know how things work under the hood, I think it helps to work through the examples, so for today I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

As a final note before jumping in, all of these tests were run with Scala 2.12.8 and Java 8.

def field in trait

As a first example, this is how I defined a field as a def in a trait, and then implemented it in a class:

trait Foo {
    def id: Int

class Bar extends Foo {
    val id = 1

Next, this is what the final part of the output looks like when I compile that code with scalac -Xprint:all:

abstract trait Foo extends Object {
    def id(): Int

class Bar extends Object with Foo {
    private[this] val id: Int = _;
    <stable> <accessor> def id(): Int = Bar.this.id;
    def <init>(): Bar = {
        Bar.this.id = 1;

And this is what I found when I decompiled the resulting class files with JAD:

public interface Foo {
    public abstract int id();

public class Bar implements Foo {
    private final int id = 1;
    public int id() {
        return id;
    public Bar() {}


  • A def field in a trait results in an interface that has an abstract method with the same name and return type as the field
  • The implementing class has a private, final backing field for the trait field, along with a corresponding “getter” method for that field

The part where the implementing class ends up with a private field corresponding to the def field was a surprise when I learned about it a few years ago, but it makes sense when you think the process through, i.e., how the code has to work on the JVM.

When I first started this process I thought it would be helpful to show the output from scalac -Xprint:all, but to keep things simple here, I’ll only show the JAD output.

val field in trait (abstract)

Next, here’s the source code for my abstract val example:

trait Foo {
    val id: Int   //abstract

class Bar extends Foo {
    val id = 1

Here’s the resulting JAD output:

public interface Foo {
    public abstract int id();

public class Bar implements Foo {
    private final int id = 1;
    public int id() {
        return id;
    public Bar() {}


  • An abstract val field in a trait creates an interface with an abstract method with the same name and return type
  • The implementing class has a private backing field for trait field, along with a corresponding “getter” method for that field
  • At the class level, for this simple example, a def field and an abstract val field seem to result in the same bytecode

I should note that there’s a slight difference in the output seen by scalac -Xprint:all for the two approaches. The final output from scalac for my def example looks like this:

abstract trait Foo extends Object {
    def id(): Int

while the same final output for the val approach looks like this:

abstract trait Foo extends Object {
    <stable> <accessor> def id(): Int

val field in trait (concrete)

Here’s the source code for my concrete val field example:

trait Foo {
    val id = 0   //concrete

class Bar extends Foo {
    override val id = 1

Here’s the resulting JAD output:

public interface Foo {
    public abstract void $Foo$_setter_$id_$eq(int i);
    public abstract int id();
    public static void $init$(Foo $this) {

public class Bar implements Foo {
    private final int id = 1;
    public void $Foo$_setter_$id_$eq(int i) {}
    public int id() {
        return id;
    public Bar() {


  • Because the field must be a concrete field in the trait, the resulting interface code is quite a bit more complex, including an initialization method
  • It was a bit of a surprise for me to see what appear to be public “setter” methods in the resulting code, although the setter in the class doesn’t have a method body, and its id field is marked final

var field in trait (abstract)

Here’s the source code for my abstract var example:

trait Foo {
    var id: Int  //abstract

class Bar extends Foo {
    var id = 1   //works

Here’s the resulting JAD output:

public interface Foo {
    public abstract int id();
    public abstract void id_$eq(int i);

public class Bar implements Foo {
    private int id;
    public int id() {
        return id;
    public void id_$eq(int x$1) {
        id = x$1;
    public Bar() {
        id = 1;


  • var means “get and set,” so both getter and setter methods are generated
  • As you would expect after the previous examples, the trait doesn’t have an id field, and it has two abstract methods, a setter and a getter
  • The class looks a little like a JavaBean, with a private field and getter/setter methods

var field in trait (concrete)

Here’s the source code for my concrete var field example:

trait Foo {
    var id = 0

class Bar extends Foo {
    id = 1

Here’s the resulting JAD output:

public interface Foo {
    public abstract int id();
    public abstract void id_$eq(int i);
    public static void $init$(Foo $this) {

public class Bar implements Foo {
    private int id;
    public int id() {
        return id;
    public void id_$eq(int x$1) {
        id = x$1;
    public Bar() {


  • As usual, there’s no field in the interface
  • There is an “init” method in the interface to set the field to 0 initially
  • The init method calls id_$eq, which updates the private id; this is a different implementation than the “concrete val” example (which makes sense, because this is a var example)
  • Note that the Bar constructor makes two method calls; conversely, this is all it did in the “abstract var” example:
public Bar() {
    id = 1;

An abstract class in the middle

To look at something a little more complicated, I created a trait T with a field t defined as a def. Then I extend that with an abstract class A, while also giving A a concrete field a. Then I create a concrete class B by extending A:

trait T {
    def t: Int

abstract class A extends T {
    val a = 1
    // class is abstract b/c it doesn’t implement `t`

class B extends A {
    val b = 2
    override val t = 3

Here’s the resulting JAD output:

public interface T {
    public abstract int t();

public abstract class A implements T {
    private final int a = 1;
    public int a() {
        return a;
    public A() {}

public class B extends A {
    private final int b = 2;
    private final int t = 3;

    public int b() {
        return b;
    public int t() {
        return t;
    public B() {}


  • The def field t in class T results in an abstract method, as shown in my original def example
  • The class A implements T, but does not reference t
  • The class B implements t as a private field t and a getter method t(), which is also the same as my first def example
  • Putting an abstract class in the middle essentially had no effect on the relationship between the final class B and the trait T

A trait in the middle

As a final example, let’s see what happens if one trait extends another trait, they both have def fields, and a class extends the second trait:

trait T1 {
    def t1: Int

trait T2 extends T1 {
    def t2: Int

class C extends T2 {
    val t1 = 1
    val t2 = 2

If you’ve read through all of this so far, you probably have a decent feel for what the generated source code should look like. So before looking at the following code, I encourage you to work through this problem in your head and decide what you think the decompiled source code should look like for T1, T2, and the class C.


Here’s the decompiled source code:

public interface T1 {
    public abstract int t1();

public interface T2 extends T1 {
    public abstract int t2();

public class C implements T2 {
    private final int t1 = 1;
    private final int t2 = 2;

    public int t1() {
        return t1;
    public int t2() {
        return t2;
    public C() {}


  • As before, def fields in traits lead to abstract methods in the generated code
  • As in the previous example, the trait in the middle knows nothing about the t1() method when it extends the trait T1
  • As in previous examples, the final class has private fields corresponding to the fields defined in the trait(s) it extends, with public getter methods for those fields


As I wrote in the beginning, I didn’t want to include a summary here because I think it’s best to work through the examples. Therefore, I won’t add a summary here, but if you want to add your own summary in the Comments section below, feel free to do so.