Hi, my name is Alvin Alexander. I wrote the Scala Cookbook for O’Reilly, and this is the free, online version of my new book about functional programming in Scala.
The book is written as a series of lessons, with each lesson building upon the previous lesson to build up your Scala and FP knowledge base. I originally named the book, Learning Functional Programming in Scala, but later renamed it to Functional Programming, Simplified.
Current status
The book was completed in December, 2017. You can learn more about the PDF, Kindle, and printed versions of the book at this page.
I just moved the HTML version of the book to this website (alvinalexander.com), so the formatting still needs to be improved, but the good news is that you can now search this one website for almost everything I’ve ever written about Scala.
And now, the book
Well, that’s enough of the background material. Please click the book image below to begin reading the free, online version of Functional Programming, Simplified.
All the best,